2025 RC3 Leader Board


Standings Through PSKFest


Rank Call Total Points
1 KC3FL 135.00
2 W3HF 123.50
3 K5SP 117.00
4 NO8R 115.00
5 WB9KVI 110.50
6 VA3TPS 109.00
7 K4HI 102.50
8 NX8G 96.00
9 VE3OOZ 94.50
10 KC4TIE 93.00
11 K8FER 92.50
12 W9SMR 92.00
13 WA5AMM 91.50
14 W0IZ 88.50
15 VE3LTN 86.00
16 KO4RSJ 85.50
17 AC0QG 84.50
18 N5SLY 84.00
19 KR4U 78.00
20 KD8BXT 77.00
21 N8TCP 76.50
22 KD9NHZ 75.00
23 AC2OC 71.00
24 N6MG 70.50
25 WA8OJR 69.00
26 N3CHX 68.50
27 AI4WW 66.50
28 W9ECO 64.50
29 K0CIE 62.50
30 NE0DA 62.00
31 KF3AA 60.00
32 N5JDT 59.00
33 WU9D 58.00
34 KC8ROA 54.50
35 AD4TJ 53.50
36 N7RI 52.50
37 AC7JW 51.50
38 K9MCM 51.50
39 AE2DX 51.00
40 K8RGI 50.50
41 N5YS 48.50
42 N7WLC 48.00
43 KD7KDO 45.50
44 KG7AV 45.00
45 AC9VM 44.00
46 W4BZM 42.00
47 K2AL 39.00
48 KR4EE 38.00
49 KD5ILA 37.50
50 WB4UBK 35.25
51 WW5L 35.25
52 KA5VZG 35.00
53 AB8SF 28.50
54 N8EUI 27.00
55 KC2WUF 25.50
56 K7DWI 24.50
57 AG4QX 22.50
58 W7GEZ 21.50
59 W7JSD 21.00
60 N0NM 18.00
61 WA8YZB 17.00
62 KC9BKS 16.00
63 AC0WZ 14.00
64 N7QU 13.50
65 VA7GEM 10.00
66 N9MSG 7.50
67 KC9NBK 5.50





RC3 - The Rollo Cup

Contest Championship Series


RC3 Top Ten Standings


Standings through PSKfest


Rank Call Total Points
1 KC3FL 135.00
2 W3HF 123.50
3 K5SP 117.00
4 NO8R 115.00
5 WB9KVI 110.50
6 VA3TPS 109.00
7 K4HI 102.50
8 NX8G 96.00
9 VE3OOZ 94.50
10 KC4TIE 93.00



2024 RC3 Leader Board


Final Standings


Rank Call Total Points
1 KC3FL 1017.43
3 KF3AA 769.61
5 VE3OOZ 641.60
7 K8FER 591.45
9 WB9KVI 458.12
11 K0CIE 453.82
13 VA3TPS 386.70
15 N0NM 359.84
17 N3CHX 346.43
19 NY7H 312.40
21 W4BZM 286.78
23 KE8QYK 280.73
25 N8EUI 247.91
27 AB8YZ 246.45
29 WB8TDG 198.62
31 VE3LTN 189.21
33 WY7AA 179.72
35 K8RGI 178.14
37 KC9CSC 170.20
39 AB3GY 164.47
41 AA4RF 148.53
43 N7RI 144.25
45 WA9SLM 138.04
47 N4DLT 133.02
49 KE8JNU 129.60
51 N9VEL 123.60
53 KO4RSJ 113.98
55 W4UEF 109.16
57 KE8JNT 108.03
59 W7JSD 97.72
61 W8BI 95.78
63 KW7MJA 91.20
65 N4TQX 87.53
67 AD4TJ 83.04
69 KZ3T 79.34
71 KB0IFX 75.49
73 WQ9F 74.43
75 KN4ZXG 70.35
77 W9YV 67.00
79 AE7UF 65.40
81 KC3VPB 60.50
83 AB8SF 59.50
85 N1ZZZ/MM 56.44
87 N6MG 55.88
89 KC9CR 51.76
91 WA8UMT 50.31
93 W3ICK 48.90
95 NG4L 48.52
97 N3XL 47.00
99 N0OEP 45.13
101 AB1LF 43.55
103 N7MEB 39.06
105 W7ZDX 37.50
107 KK7UIA 36.80
109 KS0USA 36.57
111 K5ENS 35.25
113 K8GNG 33.72
115 NU4N 33.50
117 K9MWG 32.40
119 KA4JAM 31.47
121 KO4YIN 28.44
123 KS2H 24.25
125 ND2K 22.00
127 NX8G 21.15
129 NA8W 20.80
131 KG7D 19.00
133 N9NDS 17.65
135 KC3STZ 16.19
137 AE0IB 14.96
139 WU9D 14.10
141 N0ZNS 11.08
143 PF1JM 8.64
145 K4VBM 7.32
147 KO4DWB 2.46


New Member Jamboree
To work as many stations as possible using PSK31 mode and celebrate the 070 club’s newest members.

Entry Categories:
QRP (max power 5 watts output)
Low Power (max power 25 watts output)
Medium Power (max power 50 watts output)
High Power (max power 100 watts output)

First Saturday in April 0000 UTC- 2359 UTC
Members send 070 Club Number and year you joined the 070 club. (Exchange example: K9DWR de K5SP 483 2006 QSL? kn).

Non-members don't have a required exchange, so send anything. Just make the QSO!  (Exchange example: K9DWR de KQ4XYZ not a member QSL? kn or even K9DWR de KQ4XYZ 599 QSL? kn ).
Recommended CQ:  CQ 070 NMJ de K9DWR K
80 thru 10 meters, no WARC bandsWork each station once/band.
All contacts must be 2-way PSK31.
No repeater, cross-mode or cross-band contacts allowed.
Use no more than the stated maximum for your entry category. Please keep your power output set to a reasonable level to avoid QRMing others. Use the MINIMUM power necessary to make the contact at all times!
Work each station once per band, dupes count zero (0) points.
QSO points - Each unique contact counts QSO points per table below.
-      Non-member QSOs are worth 3 points
-      QSOs with member numbers from 1-500 are worth 5 points
-      QSOs with member numbers from 501-1000 are worth 6 points
-      QSOs with member numbers from 1001-1500 are worth 7 points
-      QSOs with member numbers from 1501-2000 are worth 8 points
-      QSOs with member numbers from 2001-2500 are worth 9 points
-      QSOs with member numbers from 2501-3000 are worth 10 points
-   QSOs with member numbers greater than 3000 are worth 11 points

 Multipliers - Multipliers are the number of unique member-join years worked, counted once (not per band). Since the 070 club has been in existence since mid-2000, and members have joined every year since, there are 26 possible multipliers in 2025, 27 in 2026, 28 in 2027, etc. That will be true in perpetuity, unless we have a year where no one joins during the first quarter of the year.

Final Score = (Total QSO Points) x (Total Different member-join years)


Logfile format: ADIF (why adif?). Please submit logs via the NMJ Uploader. (will be activated when contest starts).

All entries must be received by One (1) week after the contest.

Entries with excessive dupes will be listed as check logs. All entries are subject to verification.


The 070 Club reserves the right to disqualify entries deemed not in accordance with the above rules or are contrary to the spirit of this event.


If you have questions, please contact our contest support staff: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






RC3 - The Rollo Cup

Contest Championship Series


RC3 Top Ten Standings


Final Standings


Rank Call Total Points
1 KC3FL 1120.19
2 WA5AMM 1017.43
3 KF3AA 775.47
4 N5SLY 769.61
5 VE3OOZ 644.56
6 N8TCP 641.60
7 K8FER 612.33
8 W0IZ 591.45
9 WB9KVI 502.37
10 W3HF 458.12