2018 APE Tall Tales

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KC9UR had a fantastic "Pontoon Portable APE", as usual.   To read the story, click the "View PDF" link.   View PDF





W8VYM had a "Camp Arrowhead APE".  His tall tales reflect quite and adventure with a fantastic view.   To read his story, click the "View PDF" link. View PDF

2009 APE Tall Tales

AD5ZA/4, 1 August


AD5ZA/4 2009 APE



An August PSK Expedition (APE) was planned to Okaloosa Is, FL on 1 August to coincide with the TARA Grid Dip contest. The ARRL Field Day contest and the PODXS 4th Sprint were used to checkout the portable setup that was to be used for the APE. All of the bugs were worked out during these two APR drills except for the 19V computer power problem. The only recourse was to purchase additional computer batteries or halt operations after about 2 hours and get the computer battery recharged. I chose the latter option but will rethink for next year's APE.

The WX forecast for 1 August was for thunderstorms in the afternoon so I decided to get an early start and try to make some contacts on 40 Meters before the storms hit and 40 M folded. Good decision as it turned out. Left the apartment at dark-30 and was set up and on the air by 6:30 local. 40M was in good shape and the Grid Dip Contest was going strong. Made a few contacts and then shut down for breakfast, recharge the computer battery and an incoming T-Storm. Got back on the air about 1100 local, this time on 20 Meters. Worked 20 for about 1 ½ hours. Made a few more contacts by alternating between calling CQ and looking for strong stations on the Waterfall. Shut down again for battery recharge and lunch. By the time everything was set to go again, a severe T-Storm was in the area. Decided to QRT at that time.

Made a total of 23 contacts including APE station N2S. Not great, but considering WX and other factors it was, to me, a very satisfactory operation.

The equipment used for the APE was:

IC-706 MKIIG Xceiver

HamStick antennas for 20 and 40M

Outbacker Tripod for antenna mount

SignaLink interface

Dell laptop computer

120 Amp-hr Gel battery

Anyone that would like a special QSL for the APE can contact me direct via QRZ.com address or eMail.




Nr Station Date Time Band Mode
1 AI4FR 01-Aug-2009 1123 40 PSK31
2 K4RKQ 01-Aug-2009 1128 40 PSK31
3 WD9FYZ 01-Aug-2009 1131 40 PSK31
4 WB9GHD 01-Aug-2009 1136 40 PSK31
5 WB5TOI 01-Aug-2009 1138 40 PSK31
6 N2EOC 01-Aug-2009 1142 40 PSK31
7 WQ9Z 01-Aug-2009 1146 40 PSK31
8 KO4PU 01-Aug-2009 1149 40 PSK31
9 K4ORY 01-Aug-2009 1156 40 PSK31
10 KW0G 01-Aug-2009 1552 20 PSK31
11 W3HF 01-Aug-2009 1553 20 PSK31
12 KK1X 01-Aug-2009 1621 20 PSK31
13 N3FX 01-Aug-2009 1623 20 PSK31
14 WX7P 01-Aug-2009 1626 20 PSK31
15 KE7YF 01-Aug-2009 1628 20 PSK31
16 N2EOC 01-Aug-2009 1634 20 PSK31
17 KS2O 01-Aug-2009 1635 20 PSK31
18 NO8R 01-Aug-2009 1639 20 PSK31
19 N2S 01-Aug-2009 1714 20 PSK31
20 K9VIC 01-Aug-2009 1722 20 PSK31
21 WB9VKZ 01-Aug-2009 1725 20 PSK31
22 N8FV 01-Aug-2009 1730 20 PSK31
23 K7RE 01-Aug-2009 1738 20 PSK31




N2S, 1 August

Well the 10-70 Repeater Assoc.'s second activation at Stony Point LH (USA-923) has come and gone. This time the PSK WORKED!! The weather was absolutely perfect which is a real rarity around these parts this summer. Sunny skies and a light breeze off the Hudson welcomed our eight radio operators to the Stony Point Lighthouse. We got going strong around 11AM EDT with phone, CW and of course PSK-31. The staff at "little lighthouse that could" was absolutely WONDERFUL in helping transport our equipment up to the pavillion (those electric cars NY State has at their parks are GREAT).

According to my log I have 21 QSO's which was great considering the short amount of time we were up there! The Special Event callsign N2S really helped out. I saw a few compiments about it fly across the screen. As for the bands they were good - we got into the midwest and even the north. I would like to thank all the PODXS members who spotted us. I got home to see quite a few spots waiting in my inbox, always a great thing to see. It was nice to be on the "other side" of a QSO for a change!!! Again THANK YOU all for working us and we'll definitely be on the air again next year!!

Nr Callsign Date Time Band Mode Notes
1 NA9J 01-Aug-2009 1452 20 PSK31 John, Green Bay
2 WB4MNK 01-Aug-2009 1516 20 PSK31 Art, EL99
3 NS2C 01-Aug-2009 1532 20 PSK31 Joe, Beverly Hills, FL
4 K4BSC 01-Aug-2009 1547 20 PSK31 Brian
5 N4YZ 01-Aug-2009 1555 20 PSK31 Tom, Salsbury
6 NN4R 01-Aug-2009 1606 20 PSK31 Terry, EM63
7 K0FBV 01-Aug-2009 1649 20 PSK31 Vic, Bettendorf, IA
8 N9BBE 01-Aug-2009 1653 20 PSK31 Jeff, Wilmington, IL EN51
9 W3YJ 01-Aug-2009 1708 20 PSK31  
10 AD5ZA/4 01-Aug-2009 1726 20 PSK31 Jim, IOTA NA-142
11 N9SOR 01-Aug-2009 1733 20 PSK31 Charlie, Chicago, IL
12 KT4NM 01-Aug-2009 1742 20 PSK31 Joh, EL97
13 AB3GY 01-Aug-2009 1747 20 PSK31 Tom
14 VA6FUN 01-Aug-2009 1756 20 PSK31 Mike
15 K9VIC 01-Aug-2009 1803 20 PSK31 Eric
16 K2DBK 01-Aug-2009 1810 20 PSK31 David, River Vale, NJ
17 KK3Q 01-Aug-2009 1828 20 PSK31 Floyd, Orlando, FL
18 K4EAK 01-Aug-2009 1857 20 PSK31 Skip, EM73
19 AF2M 01-Aug-2009 1936 20 PSK31 Mitch, Palm Coast, FL



W7PSK, 1 August

APE was for Whidbey Island Washington, Island County, IOTA NA-065.
I was also parked at Admiralty Head lighthouse which is USA-002 for those that collect Light Houses.

I started out of the house at 6am to catch the 6:30 Ferry to Clinton on the south side of Whidbey Island. I got to Admiralty head at about 7:20am but the gate said 8AM open. Oh goody. So I ran up to the local town to see if the Hardware store was open. They since last year have started closing on Saturday (what a dumb day to close). I wanted a mounting pipe for the 4BTV as the one I had was a little short and would put the base of the antenna below my tail gate.

Got back to the Light house park and gates were open so went in and started setting up. Got the Antenna mounted but SWR was wonky but I brought my Iron Horse 20m to mount in the CB mount (I use it for my RV club). Antenna tuned fine and I got the Laptop out and connected the DC adapter. HASH like a bear on the rig. Anyone have a good DC Power supply for Laptops that doesn't make a ton of hash?

Well I called a few CQs and then got into a pattern of CQing and looking at strong stations and then disconnecting and using the laptop battery for weaker. A LOT of stations couldn't hear me. Anyway after a while I checked and they had 110v near the rest room so I decided about 10:15am to take a run up to Oak Harbor about 15m away to get a 100Ft ext cord, get some lunch and returned at 11.

Alas 0 power at that plug.

So finished up the day till 2pm when the Laptop was not going to charge enough to run without stopping for an hour to recharge so packed up and came home. Not many stations this year again but enough to qualify for those that need it.

Soon as I figure out how to make a new location on my LOTW account Ill post that. Sorry No EQSL. I will try to make a nice card for those that send direct.

Here are the contacts:
01-Aug-2009 15:18 14070 BPSK WT6X 599 599 Jose CN98
01-Aug-2009 16:15 14070 BPSK N3FX 599 599 Tony FM19
01-Aug-2009 16:17 14070 BPSK KQ7W 599 599 MATT CN87
01-Aug-2009 16:28 14070 BPSK WX6Y 599 599 EDDIE EM84
01-Aug-2009 16:31 14070 BPSK K7RE 599 599 Brian DN84
01-Aug-2009 16:43 14070 BPSK K8MV/KL7 599 599 Marty BP19
01-Aug-2009 18:07 14070 BPSK K0FBV 599 599 Vic EN41
01-Aug-2009 18:13 14070 BPSK KD4LCR 599 599 Jeremy EM04
01-Aug-2009 18:14 14070 BPSK KE5LLM/7 599 599 David CN88
01-Aug-2009 18:16 14070 BPSK KB1PSP 599 599 Bette EM14
01-Aug-2009 18:24 14070 BPSK WW2PT 599 599 Paul EM11
01-Aug-2009 18:24 14070 BPSK K0ACP 599 599 Art EN41
01-Aug-2009 18:40 14070 BPSK N3FX 599 599 Tony FM19
01-Aug-2009 18:49 14070 BPSK WG5T 599 599 Bill EM15
01-Aug-2009 18:50 14070 BPSK NO8R 599 599 DELOS EN73
01-Aug-2009 19:04 14070 BPSK KC0DJB 599 599 KEITH EN07
01-Aug-2009 19:14 14070 BPSK W6QE 599 599 Milt DM13
01-Aug-2009 19:22 14070 BPSK WB8MKH 599 599 DON EN75
01-Aug-2009 19:26 14070 BPSK WB4PPW 599 599 Rich EM73
01-Aug-2009 19:37 14070 BPSK W0GLB 599 599 Gordon DM78
01-Aug-2009 19:50 14070 BPSK AA9UF 599 599 JOHN EN50
01-Aug-2009 20:20 14070 BPSK KD7RX 599 599 JERRY DN62
01-Aug-2009 20:22 14070 BPSK WQ9Z 599 599 ROY EM58
01-Aug-2009 20:30 14070 BPSK N0IBT 599 599 Dave DM79


W7PAQ, 1-12 August


I arrived on Melita Island Boy Scout Camp on July 6th and by the evening of the 7th, I had my 80M delta loop and a 40M Carolina windom way up in the Ponderosas. MelitaIsland is a 64 acre camp located in the FlatheadLake just north of Polson, MT. The shack was a garage tent and I was using my FT897 and my SignaLink USB connected to my laptop. I made 104 APE contacts from 8/1 to 8/12 when I went QRT. The second week of camp I had a young Scout who had placed 36th in the National Geographic Geography contest. He spent hours going over my qsl cards from 321 countries, including my P5 card. He literally and figuratively blew my socks off with his knowledge. I made copies of my P5 and PY0F (we were probably the only ones on the island that knew where Fernando de Noronha is located) and presented them to him at our evening flag ceremony. I purposely showed the 220 scouts I had no socks on.

I passed 48 Scouts on their Radio merit badge and was surprised at how many scouts and parents now have their licenses. One week I had 4 other licensed hams on the island. The scouts had all taken the Radio merit badge with me and had gotten the bug. We tried to connect to a local IRLP node, but unfortunately it was down. I hope by next year to offer that mode of operation. The last week of camp was with the 9-10 year old Webelos Scouts (Cub Scouts). They all learned their names phonetically and had a chance to speak on the radio.

Frank Kisselbach, W7PAQ

# Callsign Time Date Band Rcvd Mode Grid State
1 AA2L 1746 8/2/2009 20   PSK31 DM79 CO
2 AB7DN 2110 8/.3/2009 20   PSK31 CN85 OR
3 AD5ZA 1350 8/9/2009 20   PSK31 EM12 TX
4 AE5PW 1439 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 EM45 AR
5 AE5PW 0148 8/7/2009 20   PSK63 EM45 AR
6 AE5PW 0148 8/7/2009 20   PSK63 EM45 AR
7 AI4FR 1526 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 EL88 FL
8 DL0EPC 2243 8/5/2009 20   PSK31 JO43  
9 HR1EPZ 0140 8/9/2009 20   PSK31 EK84  
10 IK0GDG 2227 8/3/2009 20   PSK31 JN61  
11 IZ5JNO 1939 8/8/2009 20   PSK31 JN53  
12 K0CLW 0047 8/3/2009 30   PSK31 EM29 KS
13 K0LQB 1903 8/3/2009 20   PSK31 DM22 AZ
14 K0SDW 1350 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 DM79 CO
15 K1GMD 1357 8/2/2009 20   PSK31 DM84 NM
16 K2ZB 2232 8/3/2009 20   PSK31 FN21 NJ
17 K3FXR 0347 8/8/2009 20   PSK31 FM29 PA
18 K3HTK 1806 8/2/2009 20   PSK31 EN60 IN
19 K4BSC 0326 8/8/2009 20   PSK31 EM94 SC
20 K4EAK 1250 8/1/2009 20 242 PSK31 EM73 GA
21 K5WW 2326 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 DL99 TX
22 K6ELE 2207 8/5/2009 20   PSK31 CM87 CA
23 K6EPC 2241 8/5/2009 20   PSK63 DM04 CA
24 K6MKF 1841 8/9/2009 20   PSK31 CM97 CA
25 K6MKF 2322 8/10/2009 20   PSK31 CM97 CA
26 K6SID 0102 8/11/2009 20   PSK31 CM87 CA
27 K6UMO 1429 8/2/2009 20 868 PSK31 DM05 CA
28 K7JBQ 1908 8/4/2009 20   PSK31 DM13 CA
29 K7RE 1534 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 DN84 SD
30 K7ZYV 1953 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 EM50 MS
31 K8IJ 1405 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 EM78 KY
32 K8M 0124 8/9/2009 20   PSK31   MI
33 K9QDA 1819 8/8/2009 20   PSK31 EN51 IL
34 KB3OSP 1502 8/12/2009 20 987 PSK31 FN01 PA
35 KC8U 0015 8/1/2009 20 594 PSK31 EN80 OH
36 KD7RX 1447 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 DN62 WY
37 KD8JNH 1517 8/12/2009 20   PSK31 EM99 WV
38 KE5HTB 1306 8/4/2009 20   PSK31 EL18 TX
39 KE5HTB 1319 8/11/2009 20   PSK31 EL18 TX
40 KF9KV 1511 8/8/2009 20 934 PSK31 EN52 WI
41 KI4MTB 0119 8/4/2009 20   PSK31 EM78 KY
42 KI5WK 2148 8/6/2009 20   PSK31 EM51 MS
43 KI6IRM 1712 8/5/2009 20   PSK31 CM98 CA
44 KI6ISQ 0102 8/9/2009 20   PSK31 DM89 CA
45 KI6PYZ 2144 8/2/2009 20   PSK31 DM03 CA
46 KJ4LZ 1423 8/11/2009 20   PSK31   NC
47 KJ5XF 1410 8/9/2009 20   PSK31 EM10 TX
48 KK3Q 1840 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 EL98 FL
49 KL7AA 0059 8/10/2009 20   PSK63 BP51 AK
50 KM6CQ 1537 8/9/2009 20   PSK31 DM09 NV
51 KO4PU 2245 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 EM67 KY
52 KO6JC 1659 8/5/2009 20   PSK31 DN13 CA
53 KP4ED 1330 8/1/2009 20 693 PSK31 FK68  
54 KQ7W 2040 8/8/2009 30   PSK31 CN87 WA
55 KU1T 2206 8/8/2009 20   PSK31 FM19 VA
56 KW0G 1726 8/2/2009 20   PSK31 EN00 NE
57 N0GRA 0141 8/4/2009 30   PSK31 DM79 CO
58 N3FX 1441 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 FM19 MD
59 N5JFJ 1549 8/2/2009 20   PSK31 EM20 TX
60 N6DLC 1830 8/8/2009 20 955 PSK31 DM14 CA
61 N7WET 1402 8/2/2009 20 869 PSK31 DM42 AZ
62 N8KJG 1925 8/9/2009 20   PSK31 EN81 OH
63 N8MNI 1510 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 EM89 OH
64 N8ZA 0159 8/9/2009 30   PSK31 EN82 MI
65 NN8W 1455 8/2/2009 20   PSK31 FM09 WV
66 NO8R 1720 8/2/2009 20   PSK31 EN73 MI
67 NQ6L 1616 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 DM14 CA
68 RX0AE 0054 8/9/2009 20   PSK31 NO66  
69 UA3PT 0109 8/11/2009 20   PSK31 KO94  
70 VA6FUN/P 1700 8/9/2009 20   PSK31    
71 VA7PX 1555 8/9/2009 20   PSK31 CN88  
72 VE3IFS/W2 2321 8/3/2009 20   PSK31   NJ
73 VE7EPQ 0259 8/8/2009 20   PSK31 CO06  
74 W0DBH 2254 8/6/2009 20   PSK31 DN70 CO
75 W0GLB 1342 8/1/2009 20 909 PSK31 DM78 CO
76 W0IZ 2300 8/7/2009 20   PSK31 EM79 OH
77 W1/E74OF 1957 8/4/2009 20   PSK31   VT
78 W4LSC 1432 8/12/2009 20   PSK31 DM25 AZ
79 W5NA 1330td> 8/8/2009 20   PSK31 EM51 MS
80 W6DAW 1854 8/3/2009 20   PSK31 DM04 CA
81 W6QE 1611 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 DM13 CA
82 W6TTF 2109 8/3/2009 20   PSK31 DM06 CA
83 W7ASC 2214 8/5/2009 20   PSK31 DM33 AZ
84 W7DAX 0129 8/4/2009 30   PSK31 DN41 UT
85 W7THY 1557 8/11/2009 20   PSK31 EM28 MO
86 W7WPZ 2021 8/2/2009 20   PSK31 DM33 CA
87 W8TTY 1439 8/6/2009 20   PSK31 EN91 OH
88 W9PVR 1547 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 EN43 WI
89 W9TTT 1447 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 EN31 IA
90 W9VNE 1843 8/8/2009 20   PSK31 EM79 OH
91 WA0KAQ 1714 8/8/2009 20 831 PSK31 DM78 CO
92 WA0SKN 0118 8/5/2009 30 784 PSK31 FN43 NH
93 WA3RFE 0120 8/11/2009 20   PSK31 FM06 NC
94 WA6OVP 1553 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 DM09 NV
95 WA9WTK 0205 8/9/2009 30   PSK31 FN42 MA
96 WB4MNK 1839 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 EL99 FL
97 WB4PPW 0110 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 EM73 GA
98 WB5NHL 0020 8/1/2009 20 143 PSK31 EM93 SC
99 WB6TT 1515 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 DM13 CA
100 WB7TXG 0035 8/7/2009 20   PSK31 DN23 ID
101 WB9GHD 2055 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 DM13 CA
102 WE6EZ 2035 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 DM26 NV
103 WG5T 1937 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 EM15 OK
104 WT6X 1520 8/1/2009 20   PSK31 CM97 CA

W7PAQ_Melita 2009


WA3WSJ, 6-9 August


WA0KAQ, 8-9 August


Bill Ewing, WA0KAQ
070 Club Member #831
2009 APE
Chaffee County, CO
Grid: DM68wt
Jane (KE6DCE) and I left Pueblo West at 1:45 Friday afternoon, August 7, for our APE to Chaffee County, CO, and to attend a rock and mineral show at the site. Our 115-mile journey began as we headed west on U.S. Hwy. 50. The trip took us through Canon City, past the Royal Gorge, through Big Horn Sheep Canyon cut by the Arkansas River, to Salida, and then north to Buena Vista through the Arkansas River Valley. We arrived at the fairgrounds at about 4:30 where our friends Leon, N0VWX, and Pauline, KB0VMX, met us. They had been there since before noon. I elected not to set up the solar panels or antenna that evening, opting to do it first thing in the morning.
Saturday morning dawned bright and crisp, but I overslept a bit but was up at 6:45. With Jane helping before she fixed breakfast, the 20' mast for the jumpered Inverted "V" slipped together easily and was erected and guyed within a matter of minutes. Since our power usage would not be extensive, we set up only two of the three 64-watt solar panels. I had to hurry to get the equipment set up in time, as a different tuner was being used and had not been tested with the antenna. Luckily it took only a few minutes to determine the new tuner settings.
Since afternoon thunderstorms are a normal occurrence in the mountains, I had scheduled the main PSK31 operation to occur in the morning hours Saturday beginning at 1500 UTC. If the weather permitted in the afternoon, more operating between trips to the large vending area at the rock show would be done. If there was lightning, the mast would have to come down for our safety.
The homebrew jumpered Inverted "V" was set for 40 meters. I cruised the PSK portion of the band and gave a few calls, but no activity was seen. I changed the jumpers for the 20 meter band and gave a few calls. NK5G, David, in Texas, answered on my second call. In the next 2-3/4 hours I contacted 21 stations in 13 states, 2 Canadian provinces and Brazil, with 10 being 070 Club members. Of those 10, three were new member contacts for me. They were W7PAQ/7 also on an APE in Montana, WD8MBE in Ohio, and WA6NUT, also in Buena Vista, Colorado.
After taking a break, I set the antenna for 10 meters. Although beacons were heard from "9" and "0" land, I could not raise anyone on 10 meters.
High winds began buffeting the trailer early in the afternoon, and the antenna was taken down. The winds continued until after dark and continued into the next day. No operating was done on Sunday.
Several of the non-member stations expressed an interest in the 070 Club, so perhaps this year's APE will provide a few new members as well.
Stations worked:
W0FVR 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 15:47  
K6MKF 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 15:38 #412
W0FVR 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 15:47  
KC5KTF 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 15:56  
K7PWL 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 16:03 #711
WA6NUT 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 16:10 #299
K0ABC 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 16:31 #897
W6ETS 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 16:40  
W4KRN 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 16:45 #215
KI6LQL 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 16:51  
VE7EPQ 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 16:57  
KI3DS 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 17:08  
W7PAQ/7 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 17:12 #354
AC4CA 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 17:24  
KJ5XX 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 17:30  
WG5T 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 17:39 #491
W7PSK 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 17:46 #138
WD8MBE 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 17:55 #912
NE0D 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 18:03  
PP5/OE9APV 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 18:08  
VA3TPS 8/8/2009 20 PSK31 18:18 #526
Thank you to all of the above stations who worked me on the expedition. I have uploaded the information to LOTW and will answer any AG Verified eQSLs received as well.
Yaesu FT-897D
MFJ-945E Antenna Tuner
MFJ-1279M Deluxe Sound Card Interface
Power: 20 watts
MFJ-1126 Power Outlet Strip
MFJ-4416B Battery Booster
Homebrew Jumpered Inverted "V" (40, 20, 10) at 22'
Dell Latitude D610 Laptop
N3FJP ACLog software
Two 64-watt solar panels
Two Group 27 Deep Cycle Marine Batteries
Our APE Campsite in the Arkansas River Valley near Buena Vista, CO.
Mt. Princeton, at an elevation of 14, 197' above sea level, was more than 6,000' above our campsite. Despite having mountains on both sides of us, signals were generally good.
The expedition has also been listed on our website at www.qsl.net/wa0kaq/APE.htm..
Bill Ewing, WA0KAQ
676 S. Dante Dr.
Pueblo West, CO 81007
ARRL Life Member, ARES, OES, VE
Worked All Counties: USA-CA #1157
PODXS 070 Club #831


W5KAM, 15-19 August


On August 14, 2009, I, Ken Miller left my home in Hockley, Texas and drove 597 miles to Fort Davis, Texas to conduct my APE in the Davis Mountains.My equipment that I used for the APE was as follows:

1.Icom Radio:IC-746

2.MFJ 25 Amp Mightly Lite

3.Western Mountain Rigblaster Plug & Play

4.Buddipole Deluxe antenna set up as a vertical antenna with counterpoise

5.Dell Laptop with MixWVersion 2.19.

I was helped with my APE by Loyd Overcase KM5OE who helped with the set up on the antenna and the radio station.We were staying at Loyd’s home in the Davis Mountain at approximately 5500 feet just below the McDonald Observatory.We started our APE on August 15, 2008 and had to end it early on August 19, 2009 due to computer problems not transmitting the receiver.But during the time we operated we made 62 PSK-31 contacts and had a lot of fun on the APE trip.

Also during this trip Loyd and I both imaged with our telescopes and got some great photos of the sky above.Please see attached copy of my log from to APE trip to provide proof my APE PSK-31 contacts.

Please find below our attached log from our APE event.We are sorry that we had to shut down operations earlier than we wanted to, but we started to have software problems on our computer.



W5KAM;KX8K;20090815172741;187;;;14071974;0;;BPSK31;599;599;001;838;David;Springboro,OH;;;EQSL OR LOTW;;;EM79vn;;;;;


W5KAM;NO8R;20090815174812;260;;;14072010;0;;BPSK31;599;599;003;777;Delos;Sand Lake,MI;;;[L];;;EN73hg;;;;;




W5KAM;N7QU;20090815184214;284;;;14072211;0;;BPSK31;599;599;007;339;o;Eugene,OR;;;[L]QSL via LOTW, EQSL or Direct;;;CN84kc;;;;;

W5KAM;N2GWK;20090815195557;285;;;14072009;0;;BPSK31;599;559;008;619;Lac;Bardstown,KY;;;[L]QSL DIRECT, LOTW, EQSL;;;EM77gu;;;;;

W5KAM;W0PE;20090815200433;103;;;14072006;0;;BPSK31;599;599;009;975;kn;Yorba Linda,CA;;;EQSL, LOTW, DIRECT;;;DM13cv;;;;;


W5KAM;WA7HDZ;20090815201719;169;;;14072008;0;;BPSK31;599;599;011;404;Lawrence;Richland,WA;;;FOR QSL INFO SEE BELOW.;;;DN06if;;;;;



W5KAM;N6ZEN;20090815204924;381;;;14072015;0;;BPSK31;599;599;014;;Daniel;El Granada,CA;;;Direct (no SASE required) or eQSL.cc;;;CM87sm;;;;;


W5KAM;4A3YLH;20090815212411;241;;;14070693;0;;BPSK31;599;559;016;;El;Mexico;;;MANAGER: XE3EA;;;EL61dm;;;;;



W5KAM;W4KRN;20090816012050;202;;;14072001;0;;BPSK31;599;579;019;215;Karen;Nokesville,VA;;;[L]DIRECT, BUREAU, LOTW, EQSL;;;FM18dr;;;;;

W5KAM;KU1T;20090816012521;156;;;14072006;0;;BPSK31;599;599;020;769;Zbigniew;Ashburn,VA;;;eQSL.cc and LoTW always done, paper QSL returned 100%.;;;FM19fa;;;;;



W5KAM;K6ELC;20090816015358;272;;;14072007;0;;BPSK31;599;599;023;;Eugene;San Jose,CA;;;;;;CM97cj;;;;;

W5KAM;N2EOC;20090816020004;135;;;14072005;0;;BPSK31;599;559;024;559;Charles;Neshanic Station,NJ;;;;;;FN20om;;;;;


W5KAM;K4BSC;20090816142426;189;;;14072004;0;;BPSK31;599;599;026;;Brent;Rock Hill,SC;;;;;;EM94lx;;;;;

W5KAM;KX8C;20090816143216;579;;;14072009;0;;BPSK31;599;599;027;636;AX;Brunswick,OH;;;[L]DIRECT SASE NOT NEEDED, DX BUREAU OK, SWL WELCOME;;;EN91bg;;;;;


W5KAM;W7PSK;20090816144926;301;;;14072009;0;;BPSK31;599;599;029;138;Ricky;Everett,WA;;;[L]LOTW, DIRECT OR BURO - I WILL NOT USE EQSL EVER;;;CN87vw;;;;;


W5KAM;AD5ZA;20090816150548;166;;;14071973;0;;BPSK31;599;599;031;633;James;Richardson,TX;;;[L]LoTW, eQSL or Direct;;;EM12px;;;;;


W5KAM;KC7CWQ;20090816153634;100;;;14071904;0;;BPSK31;599;599;033;595;Loren;Redmond,OR;;;QSL DIRECT or theBUREAU;;;CN94jh;;;;;





W5KAM;N6DLC;20090816175620;280;;;14072000;0;;BPSK31;599;599;038;955;Timothy;Glendora,CA;;;DIRECT OR VIA BUREAU;;;DM14bc;;;;;

W5KAM;K8TOM;20090816180352;260;;;14072002;0;;BPSK31;599;599;039;;William;Monroe,WA;;;[L]LOTW, DIRECT, EQSL-AG AND ARRL W7 BUREAU;;;CN97av;;;;;

W5KAM;K7TRK;20090816185334;290;;;14071932;0;;BPSK31;599;599;040;;Ted;Medford,OR;;;EQSL.CC , DIRECT (QRZ INFO) OR LOTW (DIRECT QSL ALWAYS GETS MINE;;;CN82nh;;;;;






W5KAM;N3FIU;20090816211517;494;;;14072008;0;;BPSK31;599;599;046;2000;Clifford;La Plata,MD;;;PREFER DIRECT, EQSL AS SECONDARY;;;FM18om;;;;;

W5KAM;KV9W;20090817142730;518;;;14071999;0;;BPSK31;599;599;047;;Dale;Anderson,IN;;;DIRECT, EQSL, LOTW, OR THE BUREAU;;;EN70dd;;;;;

W5KAM;K4OP;20090817144021;305;;;14072043;0;;BPSK31;599;599;048;514;John;Vine Grove,KY;;;[L]QSL - Direct, LOTW, and 100% reply to all cards (no SASE needed);;;EM77at;;;;;


W5KAM;K0ABC;20090817150159;339;;;14072051;0;;BPSK31;599;599;050;897;Mark;Springfield,MO;;;DIRECT PREFERRED, CAN DO LOTW/EQSL IF YOU NEED THOSE;;;EM37ie;;;;;

W5KAM;KC2TYZ;20090817151140;236;;;14072034;0;;BPSK31;599;599;051;;Howard;Egg Harbor township,NJ;;;;;;FM29rk;;;;;


W5KAM;VA7PX;20090817152252;319;;;14072037;0;;BPSK31;599;599;053;562;John;Canada;;;[L]MGR VE7AXU DIRECT OR (VIA BURO & LOTW);;;CN88iu;;;;;

W5KAM;W3BUG;20090817153144;263;;;14072038;0;;BPSK31;599;599;054;;John;Bel Air,MD;;;;;;FM19um;;;;;

W5KAM;KT4NM;20090817154116;211;;;14072038;0;;BPSK31;599;599;055;298;John;Vero Beach,FL;;;[L]DIRECT, BURO, E-QSL, LOTW;;;EL97tp;;;;;

W5KAM;K7PWL;20090817155036;283;;;14072048;0;;BPSK31;599;599;056;711;Bradley;Redmond,WA;;;DIRECT, BUREAU, LOTW, EQSL;;;CN87wq;;;;;



W5KAM;AE5PW;20090818140440;302;;;14072021;0;;BPSK31;599;599;059;;Patrick;Newport,AR;;;DIRECT - EQSL - LOTW - BUREAU;;;EM45jo;;;;;



W5KAM;WB4Y;20090818143332;323;;;14071989;0;;BPSK31;599;599;062;;William;Boone,NC;;;LOTW, EQSL, OR DIRECT;;;EM96ee;;;;;


We will be looking forward to doing this next year.Thanks for all the contacts and we will be looking for all on our waterfall next year.



N2GWK, 15-16 August



The 2009 N2GWK APE was located at Lake Cumberland State Park in Columbia Kentucky. Once again N2GWK was accompanied by the XYL who proved her salt by assisting, or should I say managing, the pre-trip logistics. Our road trip was a mere 90 miles from our home QTH but the trip turned out to be a 2.5 hour drive. This was due mainly to two lane country roads and what seemed to be a major highway renovation project from Point A to Point B. All in all though, we saw some gorgeous farmlands and several towns we had heard of, but had never visited.


Upon arrival at Lake Cumberland we checked in and proceeded to Cottage #505.We were less than excited when we saw the pathway down to the cottage. But we still proceeded to unpack the vehicle and lug all the necessities down to the cottage.


I was beginning to doubt our cabin assignments because it was significantly lower than the road surface.The backyard of the cottage was extremely steep and putting up the vertical antenna and laying the radials would have been a difficult endeavor.The only alternative was to put the antenna on the only flat spot which was right beside the screen door.I erected the vertical and laid out the radials.We were pretty sure that due to the location, i.e. down in a valley, we'd have less than satisfactory reception.

After about 3 hours without a trace on the waterfall we struck out in search of a better operating position.


Directly across from our signal starved cottage #505 was cottage #510.Cottage #510 was on the top of the hill and overlooked all the other 500 series cottages.Using an FT817 and an Outbacker Perth Antenna, we took a quick 'listen' to 14.070 MHz and heard the melodious tones of multiple PSK-31 signals on the waterfall.After a short drive to the main lodge, we were transferred from Cottage #505 to Cottage #510.We broke camp and within an hour we were in Cottage #510.

Our thanks go out to the more than accommodating staff of Lake Cumberland State Park for allowing us to move.


Our new location was still a bit on the 'hilly' side which somewhat limited where The FT857 / tuner and power supply are all prewired and affixed to a wire rack/platform.I shortened the legs of a standard wire kitchen dish rack (from Lowes) that sits nicely inside a laptop roll-aboard case.The laptop rides under the wire rack when packed.Since all the equipment on the rack is pre-wired, one can just pull it out of the laptop case and connect it to the antenna, A/C Power and laptop.All DC Power connections are made with Anderson Power Pole connectors. Replacing the A/C power with a DC Power source is a simple matter of unplugging one and plugging in the other.


The new operating position was great.There were lots of traces on the waterfall, and there were many answers to our CQ's.The N2GWK APE ran from August 14 @ 2000 UTC to August 17 11:41 UTC.During that time, we made 89 APE QSO's with some really great DX.23 of those 89 QSO's were PODXS070 Members.


Again, the toughest part of the trip was ending it.


I wonder where we will be next year.


Date TimeStationBandModeLocator Name070 # S/P/C

8/14/20020:02 AA5AT 30mPSK31 EM40knDonLA

8/15/20000:07 CO2NO20m PSK31 EL92 GustavoCuba






























8/15/20019:15W2GSB/LH20mPSK31FN 30 jpWalterNY


8/15/20019:33KT4NM20mPSK31EL97tpJohn H298FL

8/15/20019:43NP2G20mPSK31FN21gaEddieVirgin Is.

8/15/20019:524A3YLH20mPSK31EL61El CuyoYucatan Mexico




8/15/20020:50KP3RE20mPSK31FK78ehPuerto Rico








8/15/20023:10IW8CGX20mPSK31JN70rxValerio Italy

8/15/20023:26DL2OCE20mPSK31JO41xwHaraldFed. Rep. of Germany



8/16/20000:04HA6ZB20mPSK31KN 07cs GyuriHungary





8/16/20000:44KP4ED40mPSK31FK68wiLuis693Puerto Rico

8/16/20000:55H81L20mPSK31FJ09eaPanama Canal











8/16/20002:59RA0FLP20mPSK31QN16jpLeoAsiatic Russia








8/16/20012:37PI110HL/LH 20mPSK31JO21bxNetherlands









8/16/20014:30RX0AE20mPSK31NO66kaPeterAsiatic Russia

8/16/20014:40W8L /LH20mPSK31EN66JohnMI





EB5DZC, 10-17 August













73 + 55 ………














YO3CZD 2009081020283710.14100PSK31









OK1KM2009081022073610.14100 PSK31

W1DFG/12009081023093610.14100 PSK31








HB9DES2009081109301014.07100 PSK31






UK8OAR2009081118153514.06990 PSK31







EA3EOM 200908112006497.03710PSK31



G4FQW20090811220351 7.03800PSK31


EC3TS200908112233387.03760 PSK31

































HB9FAX2009081510223610.13990 PSK31












IZ8JJM/P2009081520582110.14020 PSK31














EB5DZC_2009_APE_TOYS -2-
EB5DZC_2009_APE_TOYS -3-








EB5DZC_2009_APE_TOYS -1-

VE3OIJ/W1, 20-21 August




Background: After literally years of not being able to get Vermont for WAS on digital, and listening to others bring up the same point, I decided it was time to take some action. I have relatives near Stowe, so on August 20 I drove down to set up a little station for the day as an APE. The operating location was


Operating Conditions: Yaesu FT-897D with a Buddipole in dipole configuration. WX was sunny at the start, but we had annoying intermittent rain. This became a fairly major operating issue as I didn't have cover - it was SUPPOSED to be a sunny day, and indeed, it was sunny until shortly after I started. Nevertheless, there was time to operate and I found a tarp to cover things when it was raining. DX was so-so, although it appeared I had decent coverage of eastern and central USA.


Log: 19 contacts in 4 countries


K0ABC 2009-08-20 1522 20M PSK31 599

KF3AA 2009-08-20 1537 20M PSK31 599

NO8R 2009-08-20 1549 20M PSK31 599

N2GWK 2009-08-20 1558 20M PSK31 599

W1/E74OF 2009-08-20 1615 20M PSK31 599

WG5T 2009-08-20 1622 20M PSK31 599

WB9VKZ 2009-08-20 1627 20M PSK31 599

AE5PW 2009-08-20 1821 20M PSK31 599

K8IJ 2009-08-20 1834 20M PSK31 599

K4BQH 2009-08-20 1858 20M PSK31 599

RN3DL 2009-08-20 2013 20M PSK31 599

K4RKQ/P 2009-08-20 2020 20M PSK31 599

AD5ZA 2009-08-20 2041 20M PSK31 599

WB9ONU 2009-08-20 2158 20M PSK31 599

KG4UXR 2009-08-20 2223 20M PSK31 599

CO8FD 2009-08-20 2240 20M PSK31 599

K4OP 2009-08-20 2257 20M PSK31 599

W7PAQ 2009-08-20 2310 20M PSK31 359

TI3VLM 2009-08-21 0013 20M PSK31 599


I have photos, but they're large. You can have a look at http://dcowan38.smugmug.com/Events/Amateur-Radio.

73 de VE3OIJ






K9H, 21-23 August


K9H — Going APE, 2009

August 21-23, UTC

We are Chuck (K9PLX) and Mitch (K9ZXO) Hopper. We grew up in the west central Illinois town of Jacksonville, although both of us have lived elsewhere for many years now. We decided to combine a trip to the old homestead with an APE weekend; we obtained the special event call sign K9H (H for Hopper, of course) in commemoration of the event, and began making our plans in July.

Mitch provided the rig (an old IC-751 that he lovingly refers to as "steam powered"), the interface (a Rigblaster) and the tuner (an MFJ Intelli-Tuner). Chuck went to his club, the York Radio Club of Elmhurst, IL, and borrowed a couple of sectional 30 foot masts, a couple of 50 foot lengths of coax, and a nice trapped dipole for 40 and 20 Meters, which also happened to load 80 Meters very well. The old homestead provided the 110 V. AC.

We fretted through the week prior to the event, as the weather was extremely hot and muggy, and the O.H. is not air-conditioned. Thursday evening the skies opened up and poured on us; still hot and muggy. Oh, my gosh, what have we gotten ourselves into?! BUT THEN...

Friday, opening day, dawned clear and cool and fairly dry—and things stayed that way for the rest of the time. The weather was glorious, with highs in the mid-70's, low humidity, and a beautiful breeze nearly constantly. We ended up using only one of the masts, putting it in the center to hold up the middle of the dipole; the ends found homes in convenient trees. The rig / computer / etc. was set up on a screened porch, things were tuned up, and we were on the air by about 1:30 PM local time.

The two of us took turns throughout the rest of that day and up until nearly midnight of the following day, with time out for meals and the requisite nap from time to time. This was the first chance the two of us have had to play radio together in a long time; it was great fun! By the time we quit late on Saturday night, we had logged exactly 100 QSOs (yes, we stayed up until we hit the number!). Somehow (probably he cheated, but we'll never know) Mitch, K9ZXO ended up making 66 contacts to Chuck's (K9PLX) 44. Isn't sibling rivalry wonderful?

All QSO information has now been uploaded to eQSL.cc under the K9H call sign. Those who wish a paper QSL should send their own with a SASE to K9PLX (he's good on QRZ.com). Sorry, but we haven't yet been able to figure out how to use LoTW for a special event call. We'll work on it.

The antenna feedline The dipole center support The dipole center support
The view from the rig toward the antenna—the feedline is going through the center Bottom view of the center pole The center pole from a distance
The center pole with dipole attached North end of the antenna disappearing into the trees The rig
The center pole with dipole attached North end of the antenna disappearing into the trees The rig
K9PLX and K9ZXO raise the center pole K9ZXO hard at work K9PLX making a QSO
K9PLX and K9ZXO raise the center pole K9ZXO hard at work K9PLX making a QSO
 is on the air! K9ZXO seen through the screen K9PLX making another QSO
K9PLX is on the air! K9ZXO seen through the screen K9PLX making another QSO

The Logbook

(All QSOs made using PSK-31)

1 21-Aug-09 18:27 KG8JF Chris 176 20m AL USA K9PLX #930
2 21-Aug-09 18:42 W4RIG Hank   20m MA USA K9PLX #930
3 21-Aug-09 18:56 HB9MCP/W1 Henry   20m ME USA K9ZXO #967
4 21-Aug-09 19:09 N2SI Joe   20m WA USA K9ZXO #967
5 21-Aug-09 19:19 WA5TLP Virgil   20m ND USA K9ZXO #967
6 21-Aug-09 19:47 W6ZO/6 Phil   20m CA USA K9ZXO #967
7 21-Aug-09 20:13 KE7ZGR Andy   20m WA USA K9PLX #930
8 21-Aug-09 20:22 K4FNX/5 Matt   20m MS USA K9PLX #930
9 21-Aug-09 20:47 DL3APM Peter   20m   Germany K9PLX #930
10 21-Aug-09 20:53 F5NMK Alain   20m   France K9PLX #930
11 21-Aug-09 20:59 VE7BGP Gerry   20m BC Canada K9PLX #930
12 21-Aug-09 21:17 VE3OIJ Darin 536 20m ON Canada K9PLX #930
13 21-Aug-09 21:35 PA3HDG Marcel   20m   Netherlands K9PLX #930
14 21-Aug-09 21:52 IZ5HNI Maurizio 576 20m   Italy K9PLX #930
15 21-Aug-09 22:03 GM0SDV Victor   20m   Scotland K9PLX #930
16 21-Aug-09 22:18 N3BAH Abe   20m PA USA K9PLX #930
17 21-Aug-09 22:29 KE7NKF William   20m ID USA K9PLX #930
18 21-Aug-09 22:47 HP2SM Santiago 279 20m   Panama K9PLX #930
19 21-Aug-09 22:54 W4SJV Steve   20m FL USA K9PLX #930
20 22-Aug-09 00:48 KE7SAK Rich   20m AZ USA K9PLX #930
21 22-Aug-09 00:54 WB8UUJ Tom   20m MI USA K9ZXO #967
22 22-Aug-09 01:01 K8TOM Tom 815 20m WA USA K9ZXO #967
23 22-Aug-09 01:08 K4LRP John 582 20m FL USA K9ZXO #967
24 22-Aug-09 01:11 VA2LGQ Dave   20m QC Canada K9ZXO #967
25 22-Aug-09 01:17 W8DX Harvey   20m CA USA K9ZXO #967
26 22-Aug-09 01:20 KX8C Jim 636 20m OH USA K9ZXO #967
27 22-Aug-09 01:33 W4NHO Steve   40m KY USA K9ZXO #967
28 22-Aug-09 01:41 KX8C Jim 636 40m OH USA K9ZXO #967
29 22-Aug-09 01:45 KI6KFZ Robby   40m CA USA K9ZXO #967
30 22-Aug-09 01:56 N7FYO Erik   40m MA USA K9PLX #930
31 22-Aug-09 02:07 W0PE Fred 975 40m CA USA K9PLX #930
32 22-Aug-09 02:20 W4EW Ed   40m GA USA K9PLX #930
33 22-Aug-09 02:30 W6OQX Phil   40m CA USA K9PLX #930
34 22-Aug-09 02:48 KI7AB Mike   40m NM USA K9ZXO #967
35 22-Aug-09 02:54 KK1X John 325 40m MA USA K9ZXO #967
36 22-Aug-09 02:59 WA0SKN Alan 784 40m NH USA K9ZXO #967
37 22-Aug-09 03:04 CM2AZ Armondo   40m   Cuba K9ZXO #967
38 22-Aug-09 03:34 KC7ASA Danny   40m WA USA K9ZXO #967
39 22-Aug-09 03:54 AG0A Galen 647 40m CO USA K9ZXO #967
40 22-Aug-09 04:03 KE7ZCU Rob   40m WA USA K9ZXO #967
41 22-Aug-09 04:20 KI6WIK Theodore   40m CA USA K9PLX #930
42 22-Aug-09 04:28 KB3FN Lynn 223 40m MD USA K9PLX #930
43 22-Aug-09 12:56 VE3BWR Ed   20m ON Canada K9ZXO #967
44 22-Aug-09 13:08 N2QGV Art   20m FL USA K9ZXO #967
45 22-Aug-09 13:26 VA2BBW Andy   20m QC Canada K9ZXO #967
46 22-Aug-09 14:14 TI8II Carlos   20m   Costa Rica K9PLX #930
47 22-Aug-09 14:24 WA1LAD Gil   20m RI USA K9PLX #930
48 22-Aug-09 14:56 KO8L Dale   20m OH USA K9ZXO #967
49 22-Aug-09 15:04 N7AMK Al   20m MT USA K9ZXO #967
50 22-Aug-09 15:09 N7WET Mell 869 20m AZ USA K9ZXO #967
51 22-Aug-09 15:18 AG3L Richard   20m PA USA K9ZXO #967
52 22-Aug-09 15:29 NU8C Ray   20m MI USA K9ZXO #967
53 22-Aug-09 15:42 K1GMD Phil 411 20m NM USA K9ZXO #967
54 22-Aug-09 18:04 K7BBR Brandon   20m UT USA K9PLX #930
55 22-Aug-09 18:30 NS2C Joe   20m FL USA K9PLX #930
56 22-Aug-09 18:51 W2HCB John   20m NY USA K9PLX #930
57 22-Aug-09 19:00 AD5MQ Ed   20m CO USA K9PLX #930
58 22-Aug-09 19:11 VA3ROM Robert   20m ON Canada K9PLX #930
59 22-Aug-09 19:19 K4HMK Herbert   20m FL USA K9PLX #930
60 22-Aug-09 19:32 WA2VMO Bob 1000 20m NY USA K9PLX #930
61 22-Aug-09 20:25 AD7KI Del   20m WY USA K9ZXO #967
62 22-Aug-09 20:42 W3TMZ Jack   20m FL USA K9ZXO #967
63 22-Aug-09 20:50 VE7CFZ Zolt   20m BC Canada K9ZXO #967
64 22-Aug-09 21:45 IZ2JPN ittorio   20m   Italy K9ZXO #967
65 22-Aug-09 23:13 K7TRK Ted   20m OR USA K9ZXO #967
66 22-Aug-09 23:19 W7SMW Steve   20m NV USA K9ZXO #967
67 22-Aug-09 23:24 KA3L/6 Doug 578 20m CA USA K9ZXO #967
68 22-Aug-09 23:31 KD6HQ Don   20m CA USA K9ZXO #967
69 22-Aug-09 23:42 CO7WT Pavel   20m   Cuba K9ZXO #967
70 23-Aug-09 01:03 KE5LLM/7 David   20m WA USA K9ZXO #967
71 23-Aug-09 01:35 KU9RK Tom   80m KY USA K9ZXO #967
72 23-Aug-09 01:45 KI4QLL Joe   80m FL USA K9ZXO #967
73 23-Aug-09 01:50 KF9KV Rich 934 80m WI USA K9ZXO #967
74 23-Aug-09 01:55 W3HF Steve 25 80m PA USA K9ZXO #967
75 23-Aug-09 02:01 K9QLL/9 Bob   80m WI USA K9PLX #930
76 23-Aug-09 02:06 W8NCN Neal   80m OH USA K9PLX #930
77 23-Aug-09 02:14 KK1X John 325 80m MA USA K9PLX #930
78 23-Aug-09 02:21 WB9FHP Larry   80m IN USA K9PLX #930
79 23-Aug-09 02:35 N9DD Tom   80m IN USA K9PLX #930
80 23-Aug-09 02:39 NY2SI Mo   80m NY USA K9PLX #930
81 23-Aug-09 02:44 K9VIC Eric 312 80m IL USA K9PLX #930
82 23-Aug-09 02:55 WA2VMO Bob 1000 80m NY USA K9PLX #930
83 23-Aug-09 03:12 N0LTM Steve 613 80m IL USA K9PLX #930
84 23-Aug-09 03:23 N0NM Ray 834 80m KS USA K9PLX #930
85 23-Aug-09 03:27 AE5PW Pat 704 80m AR USA K9PLX #930
86 23-Aug-09 03:33 K0ABC Mark 897 80m MO USA K9PLX #930
87 23-Aug-09 03:37 N9AVY Jerry 454 80m IL USA K9PLX #930
88 23-Aug-09 03:47 AA4SD Kraig   80m SC USA K9ZXO #967
89 23-Aug-09 03:54 K1GMD Phil 411 40m NM USA K9ZXO #967
90 23-Aug-09 04:01 AJ4SB Rob   40m FL USA K9ZXO #967
91 23-Aug-09 04:05 KD8LSV Michael   40m OH USA K9ZXO #967
92 23-Aug-09 04:13 WB4OMM Steve   40m FL USA K9ZXO #967
93 23-Aug-09 04:18 N3GSE Joel   40m NJ USA K9ZXO #967
94 23-Aug-09 04:23 AJ4IJ Robin 866 40m TN USA K9ZXO #967
95 23-Aug-09 04:28 N0RZ Charles   40m KS USA K9ZXO #967
96 23-Aug-09 04:34 KK5ZD Keith   40m AR USA K9ZXO #967
97 23-Aug-09 04:38 W4KRN Karen 215 40m VA USA K9ZXO #967
98 23-Aug-09 04:47 N0KK Kirk   40m MN USA K9ZXO #967
99 23-Aug-09 04:56 W4JHU Alex   40m VA USA K9ZXO #967
100 23-Aug-09 05:03 KL1IL Ray   40m AK USA K9ZXO #967


WA0TDQ, 28-29 August

Even with great planning you have to have decent band conditions at the time you plan to play radio! We drove over to Branson Missouri Friday for a few days. (two and a half hours away). We have season tickets at Silver Dollar City and go over for that and see some shows down on the strip. This left me with a limited time to operate in the evening when band conditions were flackey. We stayed down on Indian Point road where I could drive up to the door of the cabin. Using the home brew roof- top mobile antenna mount for the Hustler (picture attached) I moved everything inside and operated in comfort! (picture attached). Antenna mast removed when in motion of course. 25 feet of coax connected me to the antenna on top of the car. I did get my 20 contacts before packing up to come home. Found one ham 3 years older than me. He is 88 years old. You do the math! Log attached.



28-Aug-2009 20:47:47 14070.000 BPSK K3MY 479 barry
28-Aug-2009 23:19:25 14070.000 BPSK W7R 599 599 JACK SPEC EVENT
28-Aug-2009 23:53:54 14070.000 BPSK W6MDH Martin #991
29-Aug-2009 00:47:30 14070.000 BPSK VE1CDD/P John #679
29-Aug-2009 01:55:11 14070.000 BPSK W6SGD 599 599 Harold
29-Aug-2009 02:44:59 14070.000 BPSK W1NDY Al #945
29-Aug-2009 03:39:25 14070.000 BPSK WA6OVP 599 599 tom
29-Aug-2009 22:58:09 14070.000 BPSK W0PE 479 Fred #975
29-Aug-2009 23:32:02 14070.000 BPSK WT6X 599 Jose
30-Aug-2009 00:22:13 14070.000 BPSK K3PX Bob
30-Aug-2009 00:41:28 14070.000 BPSK WD8EBS 599 599 Michael
30-Aug-2009 00:44:56 14070.000 BPSK WK2H Guy E Hoose
30-Aug-2009 19:19:41 14070.000 BPSK N3GSE 599 599 Joel
30-Aug-2009 19:40:04 14070.000 BPSK K3ML MEL
30-Aug-2009 19:56:43 14070.000 BPSK N7WET MEL #869
30-Aug-2009 20:40:03 14070.000 BPSK KJ4NKL 599 599 Michael
30-Aug-2009 20:43:58 14070.000 BPSK CO2WL 599 599 LAZARO
30-Aug-2009 23:25:46 7070.000 BPSK W0JLY 599 599 BILL
30-Aug-2009 23:40:17 7070.000 BPSK N5SQV 599 599 LOUIE
31-Aug-2009 00:16:37 7070.000 BPSK K0SNG 599 599 bob


2010 APE Tall Tales

N3VOP & W4KRN, 1 August


W7PAQ, 1-15 August

After 6 straight weeks on the 64 acre island camp I went qrt August 13th. I got to celebrate my 69th birthday when the whole camp sang Happy Birthday to me at Flags one evening. My 2 ½ year old granddaughter called and sang Happy Birthday to me during a teaching session and the scouts spread the word about my birthday.


I managed 153 contacts in August in spite of the S9 noise level caused by the water pump controller. I had my usually FT897 and a carolina windom antenna. The tuner failed mid operations and limited my operations to 20 and 40M. I did try a few 6M CQs with no success.


I was the Nature director this summer and taught the Radio and the 100th anniversary of Boy Scouts special merit badge..Signaling. Signaling required the scouts to send/receive Morse code and semaphore, The Morse code requirement was 7 WPM. Semaphore required 6 WPM and about 5 scouts actually mastered the sending and receiving. They are hoping to master the Morse code requirement before the end of 2010 when the merit badge is again retired.

(*=Ø7Ø Club Member)

Callsign Date Time Name Band Mode
4B1GZU 8/10/2010 02:45 Luis 20m PSK31
AA4FA 8/13/2010 18:26 Bill 20m PSK31
AA7CU 8/05/2010 19:32 Al 20m PSK31
AA9UF* 8/08/2010 00:15 John 20m PSK31
AB4RT 8/08/2010 21:44 Norbert 20m PSK31
AB8O 8/03/2010 21:10   20m PSK31
AB9TA 8/06/2010 01:06 Bill 20m PSK31
AC4CA 8/11/2010 16:34 John 20m PSK31
AC4M* 8/07/2010 13:39 Craig 20m PSK31
AE4DT 8/01/2010 13:13 Jim 20m PSK31
AE5HE 8/01/2010 15:04 Doug 20m PSK31
AE5JD* 8/01/2010 00:17 Bart 20m PSK31
AE5WT 8/01/2010 01:09 Mike 20m PSK31
AI4FR 8/07/2010 19:49 John 20m PSK31
AI4OF* 8/11/2010 16:52 Phil 20m PSK31
AI6O* 8/07/2010 22:30 Ed 20m PSK31
F6EQZ 8/08/2010 22:33 Jean 20m PSK31
F8BMI 8/11/2010 19:09 Andre 20m PSK31
K0ABC* 8/01/2010 14:47 Mark 20m PSK31
K0FBV* 8/05/2010 14:10 Vic 20m PSK31
K0UAS 8/07/2010 19:46 Terry 20m PSK31
K3LRH 8/13/2010 15:00 Leonard 20m PSK31
K4OP* 8/09/2010 20:02 John 20m PSK31
K4REB 8/07/2010 19:34 Bill 20m PSK31
K4RH 8/07/2010 13:12 Carlos 20m PSK31
K4RH 8/07/2010 22:13 Carlos 20m PSK31
K4SWJ 8/09/2010 00:48 Bill 20m PSK31
K5JMB 8/01/2010 00:37 Mike 20m PSK31
K6RCF 8/04/2010 02:55 Rich 20m PSK31
K6SID* 8/04/2010 21:11 Howard 20m PSK31
K7BAW 8/03/2010 19:42 Barry 20m PSK31
K7EV* 8/05/2010 19:22 Harold 20m PSK31
K7JBQ 8/03/2010 17:05 Bill 20m PSK31
K7TRK* 8/04/2010 19:44 Ted 20m PSK31
K8AA 8/02/2010 01:27 Dave 20m PSK31
K8WDX 8/01/2010 22:43 Tom 20m PSK31
K9DIG 8/08/2010 22:41 Nancy 20m PSK31
K9QVB/9 8/07/2010 16:03 Norm 20m PSK31
K9VIC* 8/07/2010 22:43 Eric 20m PSK31
KA9DLJ 8/05/2010 19:35 Jerry 20m PSK31
KA9SWE/P 8/04/2010 18:02 Dale 20m PSK31
KB1PSP* 8/04/2010 22:27 Bette 20m PSK31
KB8AQK 8/07/2010 22:37 Roy 20m PSK31
KC2HEI 8/10/2010 22:55 Mike 20m PSK31
KC8AZU 8/01/2010 01:04 Terry 20m PSK31
KC8GTX 8/08/2010 13:53 Mike 20m PSK31
KC9DOA* 8/07/2010 22:49 Mike 20m PSK31
KC9JJS 8/12/2010 01:54 Charles 20m PSK31
KC9PAQ 8/06/2010 18:12 James 20m PSK31
KC9PDX 8/11/2010 14:58 Kevin 20m PSK31
KC9QLO 8/11/2010 00:00 Eric 20m PSK31
KD0GAF 8/07/2010 19:44 Bob 20m PSK31
KD6NRP 8/09/2010 20:44 Brian 20m PSK31
KD7OWH 8/11/2010 19:27 Brad 20m PSK31
KD8DX 8/10/2010 01:12 Howard 20m PSK31
KD8LAV* 8/11/2010 01:47 Marshall 20m PSK31
KE5PRL* 8/07/2010 22:18 Pat 20m PSK31
KE8M 8/07/2010 19:16 Davud 20m PSK31
KF5CZG 8/08/2010 21:22 Jim 20m PSK31
KF6EWO 8/08/2010 23:26 Gary 20m PSK31
KF7AMY 8/08/2010 15:52 Leif 20m PSK31
KG4GPI 8/04/2010 19:52 James 20m PSK31
KG4GPJ 8/05/2010 01:47 Larry 20m PSK31
KG5ZJ 8/12/2010 16:52 Richard 20m PSK31
KG6WNG 8/05/2010 14:23 Kim 20m PSK31
KI4KK* 8/9/2010 23:22 George 20m PSK31
KI6UAL 8/11/2010 20:32 Michael 20m PSK31
KJ4IZW* 8/01/2010 12:40 David 20m PSK31
KJ6DQT 8/09/2010 20:47 Josh 20m PSK31
KK4PR 8/13/2010 16:55 Frank 20m PSK31
KL1IL 8/01/2010 00:49 Ray 20m PSK31
KQ6EA 8/02/2010 18:56 James 20m PSK31
KT4WV 8/11/2010 15:42 Danny 20m PSK31
KU1H 8/09/2010 23:14 Gary 20m PSK31
KX0O 8/08/2010 16:00 Bill 20m PSK31
KX1H 8/07/2010 01:00 Bill 20m PSK31
N2EOC* 8/07/2010 20:01 Chuck 20m PSK31
N2MLP* 8/11/2010 20:00 Brian 20m PSK31
N3FX 8/07/2010 13:32 Tony 20m PSK31
N3VOP/4* 8/01/2010 12:54 Michael 20m PSK31
N4AED 8/11/2010 01:22 Richard 20m PSK31
N4THG 8/09/2010 22:25 Tim 20m PSK31
N5CEY 8/05/2010 13:39 Cliff 20m PSK31
N5EP 8/04/2010 21:55 Steve 20m PSK31
N5EP 8/07/2010 22:53 Steve 20m PSK31
N5EP 8/08/2010 19:47 Steve 20m PSK31
N5GFH 8/11/2010 00:34 Garyland 20m PSK31
N5GFH 8/11/2010 00:38 Garyland 20m PSK31
N5YSQ 8/12/2010 23:08 Billy 20m PSK31
N7BLN 8/12/2010 23:03 Ron 20m PSK31
N7LMV/XE2 8/10/2010 22:29 Jeryl 20m PSK31
N7MQ* 8/10/2010 17:53 Mark 20m PSK31
N7QU* 8/03/2010 19:41 George 20m PSK31
N8JK 8/04/2010 21:55 John 20m PSK31
N8MNI* 8/05/2010 01:40 Mark 20m PSK31
N8QY 8/06/2010 01:11 John 20m PSK31
N9JGZ* 8/11/2010 15:57 Patricia 20m PSK31
NB6GC 8/07/2010 23:29 Ken 20m PSK31
NC8X 8/08/2010 19:27 Tim 20m PSK31
ND0M 8/09/2010 18:35 Don 20m PSK31
ND2K* 8/10/2010 01:59 Alfred 20m PSK31
NO8R* 8/01/2010 00:31 Delos 20m PSK31
NY3C 8/12/2010 16:03 Gene 20m PSK31
UA0ZK 8/02/2010 19:06 VASILIY 20m PSK31
VA3NTI 8/11/2010 16:39 Lee 20m PSK31
VA3WLD 8/10/2010 23:15 John 20m PSK31
W0MRZ 8/11/2010 19:16 Mike 20m PSK31
W0MRZ/QRP 8/03/2010 00:54 Mike 20m PSK31
W0MRZ/QRP 8/07/2010 22:30 Mike 20m PSK31
W0PE* 8/10/2010 16:55 Fred 20m PSK31
W1NDY* 8/07/2010 22:34 Alan 20m PSK31
W4ASE* 8/07/2010 19:41 J W 20m PSK31
W4DVG 8/08/2010 19:41 George 20m PSK31
W4KRN* 8/12/2010 01:40 Karen 20m PSK31
W4PHS* 8/07/2010 16:23 Phil 20m PSK31
W5AZY/0 8/05/2010 17:26 Bill 20m PSK31
W5KAM/5* 8/10/2010 23:50 Ken 20m PSK31
W6DAW 8/03/2010 19:41 Dan 20m PSK31
W6GMU 8/11/2010 21:57 Paul 20m PSK31
W6QE* 8/01/2010 14:51 Milton 20m PSK31
W6QE* 8/13/2010 16:22 Milton 20m PSK31
W7KPL 8/12/2010 21:14 Jerry 20m PSK31
W7MHC 8/12/2010 16:27 Alan 20m PSK31
W8HMK 8/01/2010 13:17 Hal 20m PSK31
W8POF* 8/06/2010 13:11 Tom 20m PSK31
W8TTY 8/07/2010 14:15 Al 20m PSK31
W9AWF* 8/12/2010 14:34 Anthony 20m PSK31
W9DDK 8/01/2010 00:50 Michael 20m PSK31
W9FG 8/02/2010 14:31 Dick 20m PSK31
WA0EIR 8/08/2010 23:11 Ted 20m PSK31
WA3ERQ 8/10/2010 22:53 Jim 20m PSK31
WA55MS 8/12/2010 00:42 Marty 20m PSK31
WA6OVP 8/08/2010 22:40 Tom 20m PSK31
WA6TWJ 8/09/2010 18:12 David 20m PSK31
WA6TWJ 8/13/2010 18:38 David 20m PSK31
WB2SXY 8/04/2010 21:48 Bill 20m PSK31
WB4MNK* 8/07/2010 13:46   20m PSK31
WB4NWS 8/13/2010 13:08 James 20m PSK31
WB4ZIQ 8/01/2010 00:08 Hal 20m PSK31
WB6RSG 8/01/2010 15:16 Tom 20m PSK31
WB8MKH* 8/07/2010 14:15 Don 20m PSK31
WB8RTJ 8/01/2010 00:56 Jim 20m PSK31
WB9ONU* 8/1/2010 13:37 Jerry 20m PSK31
WD0MYM 8/11/2010 19:54 Jon 20m PSK31
WD9DUI 8/05/2010 16:59 Gary 20m PSK31
WG5T* 8/01/2010 14:42 Bill 20m PSK31
WQ9Z* 8/01/2010 13:33 Roy 20m PSK31
WQ9Z* 8/07/2010 14:13 Roy 20m PSK31
WT6X* 8/04/2010 19:39 Jose 20m PSK31
WU8P 8/12/2010 14:10 Phillip 20m PSK31
XE1UYS 8/12/2010 13:38 Alejandro 20m PSK31
XE2/KE6ENI 8/11/2010 23:30 Dave 20m PSK31
YO7ARY/W1 8/08/2010 14:04 Marcel 20m PSK31







K9VIC, 2-5 August


N2GWK, 6-8 August


N2GWK participated again this year in the PODSX070 APE.We operated from Natural Bridge State Park in Slade KY.Our operating location was once again in a “roughing it gently” cabin as we are too old and ugly to be in the general campground population (hihi).

Conditions at the campsite were not the greatest especially the ‘hike’ to the cabin. Our cabin was set in a “holler” as we call it here in Kentucky and the cabin was on the side of the hill.The only way to the cabin was by climbing about 50 steps up the side of the hill.One of the attached pictures depict the OM George having his first bout of chest pain mid-stairway.

Our antenna was once again our 31 ft. wire vertical with 8, 30 ft. radials. Running the radials was a bit of a challenge since the antenna was situated on the side of the hill and all the radials were spread out down the hill.(I couldn’t talk my XYL in to climbing up the hill side to lay the radials.) Rig used was a Yaesu Ft-867D,Z100 Autotuner, Signalink USB interface.Digital was delivered via an Acer Netbook and HRD v5.0, theoutput power was about 25 W.

The log was not as full as we wished, only 28.Total member contacts were 11.Below is our ‘Chimpy’ little log.


QSO Date Time On Call Mode Comment Band
8/7/2010 0038 VE9DX PSK31 070 Mbr 20
8/7/2010 0042 CO2NO PSK31   20
8/7/2010 0050 NO8R PSK31 070 Mbr 40
8/7/2010 0111 KP2DX PSK31   40
8/7/2010 0124 W0MRZ PSK31   40
8/7/2010 0128 KD5BYB PSK31 070 Mbr 40
8/7/2010 1125 N2EOC PSK31 070 Mbr 40
8/7/2010 1150 K4NKY PSK31 070 Mbr 40
8/7/2010 1156 VE3YXO PSK31 070 Mbr 30
8/7/2010 1203 K4REB PSK31   20
8/7/2010 1307 WQ9Z PSK31 070 Mbr 20
8/7/2010 1319 N2EOC PSK31 070 Mbr 20
8/7/2010 1332 CO2WL PSK31   20
8/7/2010 1350 CO3JN PSK31   20
8/7/2010 1357 WB8MKH PSK31 070 Mbr 20
8/7/2010 1718 KT4NM PSK31 070 Mbr 20
8/7/2010 1729 K9QVB/9 PSK31   20
8/7/2010 1739 W7GET PSK31   20
8/7/2010 1749 WB4MNK PSK31 070 Mbr 20
8/7/2010 1857 AI4FR PSK31   20
8/7/2010 1946 W0ICE PSK31   20
8/7/2010 2316 G0LZX PSK31   20
8/7/2010 2346 OZ1GML PSK31   20
8/8/2010 0051 CE1TUW PSK31   20
8/8/2010 0128 DL21XA PSK31   30
8/8/2010 1030 WA1KBE PSK31   40
8/8/2010 1121 VA3WLD PSK31   40
8/8/2010 1155 AA2RZ PSK31   40

Attached are some pictures taken of the APE Station, the stairs to the cabin and the Natural Bridge.An interesting picture of the fine for carving is attached also. Please note that the fine for carving is really $500.Someone has carved a decimal point on the sign to lower the fine to $5.00.There must not have been a fine for carving on the No Carving sign.Ironic.

2010_N2GWK Antenna

2010_N2GWK Carving

All in all we had a great time and we’re looking forward to the 2011 APE Adventures.Next August may find us operating once again at yet another Kentucky State Park,hopefully on flat ground.


73’s N2GWK.


W7PSK, 7 August


N4CDB, 7 August


W5KAM, 9-14 August


The Davis Mountain APE was conducted out in west Texas just south of Fort Davis, Texas. We were set up at about 5500 feet in the Davis Mountains, just below the McDonald Observatory. The weather was over all great for our APE with only Sunday and Monday having thunderstorms in the area. The temp were around 100 degrees during the day time, but an nice 60-62 degrees at night.

My equipment that I used was as follows:
Radio: Icom 746
Antenna: Buddipole Deluxe set up as a vertical with counterpoise
Interface: Rigblaster P & P.
Software: MixW ver 2.19
Computer: Dell Laptop running Windows XP Professional

I think we made around a total of 65 contacts during our stay and had a great time doing it.

(* = Ø7Ø Club Member)
Date Time Callsign Mode Band
20100810 1819 K4ORY* PSK31 20M
20100810 1814 N2MLP* PSK31 20M
20100810 1820 K6NLX* PSK31 20M
20100810 1842 KØWB PSK31 20M
20100810 1847 W4KRN* PSK31 20M
20100810 1904 K4OP* PSK31 20M
20100810 1907 N7QU* PSK31 20M
20100810 2026 N3PPH* PSK31 20M
20100810 2035 K8TOM* PSK31 20M
20100810 2042 XE2/KE6ENI PSK31 20M
20100810 2051 KØABC* PSK31 20M
20100810 2056 N2BRD PSK31 20M
20100810 2105 N7MQ* PSK31 20M
20100810 2112 KC2GIK* PSK31 20M
20100810 2115 KB1PSP* PSK31 20M
20100810 2119 VA3MJR* PSK31 20M
20100810 2125 KG4SGJ PSK31 20M
20100810 2135 W6QE* PSK31 20M
20100810 2138 WA7HDZ* PSK31 20M
20100810 2143 WG5T* PSK31 20M
20100810 2148 LU6EE PSK31 20M
20100810 2153 N2GWK* PSK31 20M
20100810 2201 NC8X PSK31 20M
20100810 2205 K7TRK* PSK31 20M
20100810 2214 WQ9Z* PSK31 20M
20100810 2220 AG4CZ* PSK31 20M
20100810 2226 WØIZ PSK31 20M
20100810 2232 W8POF* PSK31 20M
20100810 2236 N8MNI* PSK31 20M
20100810 2242 K7NUU* PSK31 20M
20100810 2333 KI4RXE PSK31 20M
20100810 2336 AE4DT PSK31 20M
20100810 2347 NO8R* PSK31 20M
20100810 2350 W7PAQ/7* PSK31 20M
20100810 2357 W3HF* PSK31 20M
20100811 0001 KC9MRW PSK31 20M
20100811 0010 KB7DY PSK31 20M
20100811 0024 KJ4IZW* PSK31 20M
20100811 2114 N5GFH PSK31 20M
20100812 0019 N5EP PSK31 20M
20100812 0027 KB7GFL PSK31 20M
20100812 0041 KA4OIL PSK31 20M
20100812 0049 KE4ETY PSK31 20M
20100812 0123 KC9RIQ PSK31 20M
20100812 2149 K7EV* PSK31 20M
20100812 2153 KC8GTX PSK31 20M
20100812 2201 NY7U PSK31 20M
20100812 2207 N7BLN PSK31 20M
20100812 2215 VA3WLD PSK31 20M
20100812 2241 N4DLR PSK31 20M
20100812 2247 K4HVK/P PSK31 20M
20100812 2256 KC8AZU PSK31 20M
20100812 2304 WB5K PSK31 20M
20100814 2112 W6YJE PSK31 20M
20100814 2122 NI6IW PSK31 20M
20100814 2132 WA6UVW PSK31 20M
20100814 2139 N9SB* PSK31 20M
20100814 2146 AB9TA PSK31 20M
20100814 2151 KE5PYF* PSK31 20M
20100814 2155 KA9BHD* PSK31 20M
20100814 2206 KC4RP PSK31 20M
20100814 2218 N5FAN PSK31 20M
20100814 2224 NØLTM* PSK31 20M
20100814 2231 K7TR PSK31 20M
20100815 0140 KØPFX PSK31 20M

As I told you we did some ham radio during some of the afternoons and astrophotography every night with our telescopes. As you can see we were very busy day and night. I have designed a QSL card that I have been sending out from the APE and have had a fairly good request from my contacts wanting a QSL card.



Here are a few of my photos that I took with my telescope while I was out there.


The Black Hole


Comet 10P Temple


The Propeller nebula


Buddipole set up


W5KAM & Telescope with McDonald Observatory in background




K9VIC, 13-15 August



In anticipation of some nasty storms, my APE originally planned for Stoughton, WI was changed, with the approval of the APE Program Manager, to a closer venue. I chose Millbrook, IL as it’s rural and about a 40 minute drive from home. If things got too bad, being closer to home would certainly be advantageous. (I was actually more worried about getting home if there was a potential flooding situation – I live on a river – than the APE getting a bit wet.)

On August 13, after loading up, we shoved off. We left about 3:30 p.m., heading out in a recently purchased, slightly-used RV. In fact, this was our maiden voyage in the RV. Until now, it’s been only tent camping. As we weren’t driving the three hours to Stoughton, we brought a second vehicle to use to run out and buy the things that never seem to get packed.

This was a new location for me, and the camp site was acceptable. Well, that is, as long as your definition of acceptable means it has electric, water, and sewer hookups (the latter two we didn’t use). Other than that, the site wasn’t much larger than the combined area of the RV and van. There were some large trees, but using them to string wire would mean intruding on the neighbors. Fortunately, I’d brought a tripod, some radials, and mobile whips for 40- and 20-meters.

After dinner, I set up the station (an Icom 706 MKIIG and a Dell laptop) and called CQ. It was rough going. Several hours of calling netted me seven contacts on 20-meters before the storms arrived. The storms were pretty intense. I shut down not because of lightning, but because I was fairly certain the antenna was going to get blown over.

Saturday I made a healthy run of things, calling CQ in between meals and a run to the store. The band wasn’t in great shape, but it’s much more comfortable sitting in the RV than a tent. Several hours of work and I managed to put 16 more 20-meter contacts in the log before I decided to try 40-meters for a while. I switched antennas, and 40-meters sounded good. Unfortunately, much CQ-ing netted me only a single 40-meter contact.

By Sunday the rest of the family had about enough camping for the weekend. We packed up a bit early and made the trek home. Overall, it was a decent trip. It allowed me to test out the new camping digs from a radio perspective, and finally (after several non-successful ones) put another successful APE on the books. My thanks to all who listened for my signal. Hopefully next year I’ll have improved the antenna situation and will sound better. My log follows, with the eight 070 Club members marked with asterisks.

Start date UTC TX kHz Call

-------------------- -------- -----

14-Aug-2010 00:50:05 14071.0 N7BLN

14-Aug-2010 01:04:00 14071.0 KJ6DQT

14-Aug-2010 01:16:42 14071.0 KF6H

14-Aug-2010 01:23:11 14071.0 N7QU *

14-Aug-2010 01:46:08 14071.0 W7BAL *

14-Aug-2010 02:05:47 14071.0 K5KEN

14-Aug-2010 02:15:03 14071.0 VE9NC *

14-Aug-2010 15:49:18 14071.0 AA5JC

14-Aug-2010 16:08:27 14071.0 K7CWA

14-Aug-2010 16:20:56 14071.0 AE5NO

14-Aug-2010 16:45:15 14071.0 AE7CD

14-Aug-2010 16:53:30 14071.0 K5YRT

14-Aug-2010 18:26:29 14071.0 K8TOM *

14-Aug-2010 18:42:41 14071.0 K0ABC *

14-Aug-2010 18:47:58 14071.0 K0UAS

14-Aug-2010 19:18:33 14071.0 KC2TEL

14-Aug-2010 19:25:47 14071.0 AG4QX *

14-Aug-2010 21:16:15 14071.0 W3NWS

14-Aug-2010 21:27:22 14071.0 AC0QG

14-Aug-2010 21:43:21 14071.0 W3HF *

15-Aug-2010 00:24:53 14071.0 N5IMC

15-Aug-2010 01:33:47 14071.0 WA7HDZ *

15-Aug-2010 01:47:38 14071.0 K6TXT

15-Aug-2010 03:08:25 7.035.0 KC2GYU



W6QE & WØPE, 15-31 August


Official W6R QSL card. This is a view from Running Springs, in the San Bernardino National Forest, looking down into the Big Bear Valley.
It's official! W6R is listed on QRZ.com!

The W6R station: Kenwood TS-480 SAT, 35 - 40 watts, LDG KT-100 tuner that interfaced so smoothly with the radio, No interface was needed as we fed the audio directly from the TS-480 to the computer and back to the radio via the speaker and mic jacks on the computer. We used an IOTA 45 amp power supply, and a Bird peak reading wattmeter. Logging was done on an eMachine laptop using ACLog. The main station computer was an MIS, (a swapmeet special), running Win XP Pro and MixW 2.19 by W6QE and HRD-DM780 by WØPE. The red pillow in the chair was very much needed! Next year? Maybe more RAM in the main computer.

This is the wifi antenna that we used to get our internet connection from the neighbor across the street. It was fairly reliable, as long as the window was open. Thanks to good neighbor Paul across the street!

Operators, Milt, W6QE (left) and Fred, WØPE (right). Casual was the name of the game.

We're on the air and playing!

Milt, W6QE, making rate. Two keyboards, one for logging and one for MixW.

Our full sized G5RV at about 40'. It played well, and was broadside to the East and West. We still had some very strong signals from the Pacific Northwest.

This is our 1:1 current balun, designed and built by Fred. We realized early on that it was needed. It did a fantastic job of keeping the RF up in the air where it belonged, not in the shack!

This "X" marks the 1 place on the property where there was cell service. Stand there, and you're good. Move anywhere else, and no service.

Old Country Coffee Shop, (OCCS), the official W6R restaurant! Great food, gigantic portions, and fairly priced.
Biscuits and gravy to die for!

Special thanks go to:
Sandy Garb, who allowed W6QE to spend as much time "doing his APE thing" as he wanted.
Barb Osterman, WB6PIH, Fred's XYL. Barb is a very good sport and has a lot of patience.
IT Support: Rob & Paul
And, the local hams in our posse that stopped by to point and laugh, operate a bit, and just help us pass the time.
Thanks to all of the Ø7Ø Club members that worked our meager APE station. All I can say is, "Wait until next year!"

Some statistics:
Total contacts: 442
Total different Ø7Ø members worked: 101 This is the statistic that is amazing!
We worked into Asia, deep Russia, South America, Central America, Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, UK, VK, ZL & other South Pacific area's.
Total DX "entities" worked: 24

Will W6R apply for Ø7Ø Club membership?
Answer: No. There is no guarantee that we will be able to get that call in the future, and it will create confusion for others applying for and using the W6R call for other special events, psk31 or not. Ex: C-BAR-C Rt 66 On the Air will be using it in October, etc.

Thanks again for all of the Ø7Ø members for helping us make this effort successful!

WØPE, Fred
Milt., W6QE

The W6R log:

YYYYMMDD UTC Callsign Band
20100815 1504 NO8R 20M
20100815 1515 KX8K 20M
20100815 1537 W8POF 20M
20100815 1606 K1GMD 20M
20100815 1618 N7MQ 20M
20100815 1628 K8TOM 20M
20100815 1641 N8MNI 20M
20100815 1711 N6PCD 20M
20100815 1719 KE5HTB 20M
20100815 1722 K0ABC 20M
20100815 1736 XEIXSJ 20M
20100815 1745 VA7REH 20M
20100815 1751 N7QU 20M
20100815 1754 W0GLB 20M
20100815 1800 N2GWK 20M
20100815 1824 WA6TWJ 20M
20100815 1831 KE6SLS 20M
20100815 1903 K2CED 20M
20100815 1909 N7LMV/XE2 20M
20100815 1923 W6GMU 20M
20100815 2118 K7TRK 20M
20100815 2126 W1NDY 20M
20100815 2139 K5SLW 20M
20100815 2205 XE1UYS 15M
20100815 2207 KR4U 15M
20100815 2249 PP5BBN 15M
20100815 2303 JH9FNB 15M
20100815 2316 LU1BR 15M
20100816 0022 CE2JNZ 20M
20100816 0030 EA5UB 20M
20100816 0104 WG5T 20M
20100816 0119 KC9QLO 20M
20100816 0129 PY2ED 20M
20100816 0243 KH6OWL 20M
20100816 0248 K9VIC 20M
20100816 0312 K5ZZ 40M
20100816 0319 W4KRN 40M
20100816 0327 N3PPH 40M
20100816 0335 WT6X 40M
20100816 0342 WT6X 80M
20100816 0407 KJ6MC 40M
20100816 0415 K8TOM 40M
20100816 0439 N7MQ 40M
20100816 1427 KC9SLB 20M
20100816 1711 K6NLX 20M
20100816 1725 N2SI 20M
20100816 1740 K7CWQ 20M
20100816 1744 W6OQK 20M
20100816 1832 KD6HQ 20M
20100816 1854 VE7HBS 20M
20100816 1901 WA6GSX 20M
20100816 2039 K7NBY 20M
20100816 2055 KE4ETY 20M
20100816 2058 CO2IZ 20M
20100816 2138 WA7HDZ 20M
20100816 2159 KF7HNA 20M
20100816 2337 N7DDU 20M
20100816 2343 LU1BR 20M
20100816 2357 W3HF 20M
20100817 0005 K1LHO 20M
20100817 0017 N4YZ 20M
20100817 0024 KA2HHB 20M
20100817 0034 KC5XW 20M
20100817 0255 KJ6ME 40M
20100817 0331 AC0QG 40M
20100817 0341 K5RKS 40M
20100817 0401 N9JCA 40M
20100817 0409 WA8LBZ 40M
20100817 0418 W6GX 40M
20100817 0423 KG6MVB 40M
20100817 0442 VE7CFZ 40M
20100817 0501 K6TEC 40M
20100817 0513 W6LJK 40M
20100817 0519 W7KRS 40M
20100817 0525 KE7RLI 40M
20100817 0532 KJ4SCR 40M
20100817 1410 WA3ERQ 20M
20100817 1418 W0PE 20M
20100817 1432 K0CW 20M
20100817 1607 K5HDE 20M
20100817 1644 N5JPH 20M
20100817 1645 KB1PSP 20M
20100817 1654 K4OP 20M
20100817 1655 N3PPH 20M
20100817 1931 W4MPS 20M
20100817 1946 K5YRT 20M
20100817 1955 AI4WL 20M
20100817 2034 W7WKR 20M
20100817 2044 WB2FVE 20M
20100817 2258 WA4UGH 20M
20100817 2316 KE7NKF 20M
20100818 0012 CE2WUI 20M
20100818 0016 KB3QLK 20M
20100818 0025 VA3MJR 20M
20100818 0033 N2JNZ 20M
20100818 0041 N3DQU 20M
20100818 0049 K3VAT 20M
20100818 0101 KI4RXE 20M
20100818 0110 KE5QKR 20M
20100818 0126 KB0KBJ 20M
20100818 0153 W5IQS 20M
20100818 0211 W9WY 20M
20100818 0213 KC5GB 20M
20100818 0218 KA2HHB 20M
20100818 0240 AC0QG 40M
20100818 0259 K2EZR 40M
20100818 0313 K5ECX 40M
20100818 0321 K9VIC 40M
20100818 0326 W1LXE 40M
20100818 0333 N3DQU 40M
20100818 0345 AB4RT 40M
20100818 0402 KC6ZBE 40M
20100818 0417 N7QU 40M
20100818 0423 AI4OF 40M
20100818 0434 KF5ATN 40M
20100818 0453 KB3MHB/0 40M
20100818 0549 KQ7W 40M
20100818 0600 K6SID 40M
20100818 1350 AB8O 40M
20100818 1403 WD8CJN 40M
20100818 1412 AB8O 30M
20100818 1421 NO8R 30M
20100818 1429 W8KHR 30M
20100818 1445 N7QU 30M
20100818 1641 W4KRN 20M
20100818 1649 KT4NM 20M
20100818 1656 AA5VU 20M
20100818 1722 KB5RUM 20M
20100818 1722 W7HO 20M
20100818 1738 K5JMB 20M
20100818 1746 KE7ZCU 20M
20100818 1803 W6ETS 20M
20100818 1805 W6LY 20M
20100818 1848 VE7NBQ 15M
20100818 1900 W0PE 15M
20100818 1907 NO8R 15M
20100818 1916 N7QU 15M
20100818 1927 K6MKF 15M
20100818 2253 K7MHI 20M
20100818 2300 W7CAR 20M
20100818 2319 W5HOY 20M
20100818 2331 N4ST 20M
20100818 2336 K9QDA 20M
20100818 2344 K0FBV 20M
20100819 0028 WQ9Z 20M
20100819 0038 N9JGZ 20M
20100819 0113 VE3NOO 20M
20100819 0159 N1GKE 20M
20100819 0208 K4WMN 20M
20100819 0216 KA9BHD 20M
20100819 0217 K3HSK 20M
20100819 0223 N9XBB 20M
20100819 0229 K7EV 20M
20100819 0239 N4AK 20M
20100819 0248 K0HAA 20M
20100819 0252 KB7DY 20M
20100819 0349 RU3XB 20M
20100819 0353 UA1CFE 20M
20100819 0355 N5KMZ 20M
20100819 0404 RZ3AS 20M
20100819 1434 W4KRN 30M
20100819 1501 K4LRP 20M
20100819 1513 KE4TB 20M
20100819 1842 W0MRZ 20M
20100819 1912 KA6HXI 20M
20100819 1942 RA0CFA 20M
20100819 2032 KK7UQ 20M
20100819 2040 W6QE 20M
20100819 2312 W4PHS 20M
20100819 2342 K9RJY 20M
20100819 2351 W5FER 20M
20100820 0000 LU7HEO 20M
20100820 0940 KC2STA 40M
20100820 0952 W1ATV 40M
20100820 0958 N5LYJ 40M
20100820 1009 K5WTA 40M
20100820 1018 KA9SWE 40M
20100820 1454 K2CZT 20M
20100820 1509 W0IZ 20M
20100820 1621 KJ7HQ 20M
20100820 1824 KB5ROZ 20M
20100820 1830 AC7QO 20M
20100820 1836 KD0EYZ 20M
20100820 1847 W8ISG 20M
20100820 1935 NT5Q 20M
20100820 1950 KZ4C 20M
20100820 2009 N6ISY/6 20M
20100820 2139 AG4CZ 20M
20100820 2152 N8MNI 20M
20100820 2336 KD0JHW 20M
20100821 0031 W8CCW 30M
20100821 0043 KF5DNS 30M
20100821 0054 W3HF 30M
20100821 0207 N3QH 30M
20100821 0215 KA9CCH 30M
20100821 0226 KI4BIY 30M
20100821 0236 N8BX 30M
20100821 0247 WD8MTN 30M
20100821 0300 N6ISY/6 40M
20100821 0312 K7TRK 40M
20100821 0321 W0PSK 40M
20100821 0352 KD0MJT 40M
20100821 1107 WQ9Z 40M
20100821 1122 CO2JD 40M
20100821 1157 CO2IZ 40M
20100821 1208 VA3WLD 40M
20100821 1217 NN5NN 40M
20100821 1223 ND2K 40M
20100821 1235 N9NTC 40M
20100821 1244 KD7KST 40M
20100821 1250 K8GCU 40M
20100821 1518 N4YXW 20M
20100821 1533 N5UNI 20M
20100821 1541 VE3EI 20M
20100821 2007 W5VGR 20M
20100821 2024 KF6ABU 20M
20100821 2031 N5JPH 20M
20100821 2035 N5ARK 20M
20100821 2046 N7MNK 20M
20100821 2053 KE9PH 20M
20100821 2240 9A1CCB 20M
20100821 2243 F5NMK 20M
20100821 2252 KE6MGW 20M
20100821 2305 KB1TSU 20M
20100821 2311 UA0ZS 20M
20100821 2323 KE6PYF 20M
20100821 2349 KC2NIJ 20M
20100821 2359 KI6ZZC 20M
20100822 0029 N5GF 20M
20100822 0041 N3LZG 20M
20100822 0100 K2DAR 20M
20100822 0120 W2GSB/LH 20M
20100822 0128 CE1Z/LH 20M
20100822 0216 KP3RE/LH 20M
20100822 0229 W8L/LH 20M
20100822 0241 W3HF 40M
20100822 0245 K0FBV 40M
20100822 0257 WW4MEL 40M
20100822 0553 JI1LAT 40M
20100822 0600 AE6OU 40M
20100822 1348 HP1AVS 20M
20100822 1534 W5UNT 20M
20100822 1638 KB7QOS 20M
20100822 1649 N5JPH 20M
20100822 1658 K7MHI 20M
20100822 1708 K5SLW 20M
20100822 2123 KX0O 20M
20100822 2128 K4KTT 20M
20100822 2138 KC8WSM 20M
20100822 2146 KB1PSP 20M
20100822 2151 ON7JM 20M
20100822 2205 W1PL 20M
20100822 2209 N2EOC 20M
20100822 2221 K6VNG 20M
20100822 2229 DJ2EJ 20M
20100822 2244 KA7OBU 20M
20100822 2252 KT7F 20M
20100822 2256 F4FFH 20M
20100822 2301 N9KOW 20M
20100822 2312 KC7ZO 20M
20100822 2317 W4MPS 20M
20100822 2345 N0UNL 20M
20100822 2350 K3LRH 20M
20100822 2358 WA5MS 20M
20100823 0019 NONEU 20M
20100823 0034 AL1F 20M
20100823 0149 W3CSA 20M
20100823 0204 K3JT 20M
20100823 0219 WT6X 20M
20100823 0219 N2EOC 20M
20100823 0224 KA2OMQ 30M
20100823 0230 N1GKE 30M
20100823 0237 N2EOC 30M
20100823 0348 WA3QNS 40M
20100823 0421 W7KRS 40M
20100823 0430 AC0QG 40M
20100823 0444 VE3ZUP 40M
20100823 0451 KC8GTX 40M
20100823 0451 AC0QG 40M
20100823 0502 KB5OI 40M
20100823 1351 F5BBD 20M
20100823 1354 N2BRD 20M
20100823 1406 N5YSQ 20M
20100823 1416 F5JXU 20M
20100823 1507 KB9LHT 20M
20100823 1515 W8JJO 20M
20100823 1538 N8TL 20M
20100823 1549 W7PAQ 20M
20100823 1804 N7UVH 20M
20100823 1927 K0FBV 20M
20100823 1945 KD0GBX 20M
20100823 2104 W5TV 20M
20100823 2129 WD9DUI 15M
20100823 2146 CM2IR 15M
20100823 2222 JA5TX 15M
20100823 2233 XE1XSJ 15M
20100824 0100 K2PSD 20M
20100824 0107 K3DS 20M
20100824 0118 AJ4HW 20M
20100824 0133 AK6BR 20M
20100824 0210 WA2FJK 20M
20100824 0213 AE5NO 20M
20100824 0239 AG4QX 20M
20100824 0253 KB7GFL 20M
20100824 0305 K8TOM 20M
20100824 0419 TG9AHM 20M
20100824 0450 W8OU 20M
20100824 0500 JA1LZB 20M
20100824 0508 KM5ZA 20M
20100824 0514 KB8APA 20M
20100824 0524 FK8GX 20M
20100824 0531 7J1BBC 20M
20100824 0540 JA1TO 20M
20100824 0547 VK2ATC 20M
20100824 0556 VK4CRO 20M
20100824 1201 K8IJ 40M
20100824 1214 WV9O 40M
20100824 1334 HK1T 20M
20100824 1531 W9AWF 20M
20100824 1936 WB0NPN 20M
20100824 1950 K7UDG 20M
20100824 1953 K7BAW 20M
20100824 2318 KG4CUY 20M
20100824 2324 WB2HTW 20M
20100825 0117 W8BI 20M
20100825 0137 WB4ZIQ 20M
20100825 0149 KQ4G 20M
20100825 0150 WB5ZRD 20M
20100825 0156 KI4UKF 20M
20100825 0159 WW4MEL 20M
20100825 0256 WA3WZR 40M
20100825 0302 KQ7W 40M
20100825 0305 W4KRN 40M
20100825 0316 K0BXB 40M
20100825 0327 K2UNI 40M
20100825 0342 CO2WL 40M
20100825 0350 KF4LMW 40M
20100825 0442 N6DZR 20M
20100825 1302 KB5HG 20M
20100825 1303 WB5WBL 20M
20100825 1418 KB3SSD 20M
20100825 1445 KB0QC 20M
20100825 1507 W6GMU 20M
20100826 0118 W4VON 20M
20100826 0134 KD8LZT 20M
20100826 0154 W8UNT 20M
20100826 0159 K9RJY 20M
20100826 0209 KC8YSG 20M
20100826 0219 AA0SV 20M
20100826 0240 VE3QO 40M
20100826 0305 AE5HE 40M
20100826 0317 N7IQM 40M
20100826 0325 AE7ID 40M
20100826 0334 VE3QRA 40M
20100826 0342 KF5FCV 40M
20100826 0351 K6XC 40M
20100826 0401 KC7KZ 40M
20100826 0409 KC9RQD 40M
20100826 1201 NK5G 40M
20100826 1211 WQ9Z 40M
20100826 1222 W1ZE 40M
20100826 1231 NO8R 40M
20100826 1258 AC4M 30M
20100826 1311 WA3BOQ 30M
20100826 1323 VE3FGU 30M
20100826 1345 N5JKY 30M
20100826 1400 WB9VKZ 20M
20100826 1840 KK0WB 20M
20100826 1852 WA3CDV 20M
20100826 1904 N5CEY 20M
20100826 1933 CM2IR 15M
20100826 2000 HK1R 15M
20100826 2015 LU7DSY 15M
20100826 2027 YY8HBO 15M
20100826 2051 AG0A 20M
20100826 2237 KD5YZU 20M
20100826 2259 N7VWD 20M
20100826 2310 K2AFY 20M
20100826 2318 K7JPF 20M
20100826 2334 KA9PCU 20M
20100826 2345 K5OCH 20M
20100826 0119 N4YHC 40M
20100827 0126 KA0RGT 40M
20100827 0135 W4H 40M
20100827 0157 KK5JY 40M
20100827 0205 ABIJ 40M
20100827 0213 KF5HYB 40M
20100827 0232 KB3FF 40M
20100827 0240 KD8LAV 40M
20100827 0306 KB1THM 20M
20100827 0313 PY3ED 20M
20100827 0330 NY6U 40M
20100827 0340 VA3RNJ 40M
20100827 0355 KE1Q 40M
20100827 1325 W8FI 20M
20100827 1334 WB8MKH 20M
20100827 1407 KW2V 20M
20100827 1418 KC9REX 20M
20100827 1426 NW6O 20M
20100827 1711 KD7TUN 20M
20100827 2233 KC5RBG 20M
20100827 2245 KC6FLG 20M
20100827 2254 KC4TIE 20M
20100827 2304 KJ4QDZ 20M
20100827 2310 K9H 20M
20100827 2326 K6CMC 20M
20100827 2335 AI4RA 20M
20100827 2352 W8HMK 20M
20100828 0001 KA8AYO 20M
20100828 0011 W4VON 20M
20100828 0137 KA9BHD 40M
20100828 0152 KU1T 40M
20100828 0204 K8CQ 40M
20100828 0215 W9DDK 40M
20100828 0223 KI3F 40M
20100828 0232 KJ8O 40M
20100828 0243 KJ6DQT 40M
20100828 0251 W5TAZ 40M
20100828 0307 WB6SEL 40M
20100828 0319 KD4ERU 40M
20100828 0327 KJ6FNB 40M
20100828 0333 N7BLN 40M
20100828 0343 K5HLH 40M
20100828 0353 KB7NNO 40M
20100828 1323 KE5HTB 20M
20100828 1343 CO6HLP 20M
20100828 1354 XE1UYS 20M
20100828 1515 W2DNR 20M
20100828 1526 NC8X 20M
20100828 1531 KB8RTB 20M
20100828 1539 W4DVG 20M
20100828 1556 K5LCL 20M
20100828 1604 WR4MS/P 20M
20100828 1615 KE6OIO 20M
20100828 1632 KF5HYB 20M
20100828 1644 K0RCJ 20M
20100828 1701 AD7XV 20M
20100828 1730 W6OQK/4 20M
20100828 1740 KG5ZJ 20M
20100828 1805 W7GSV 20M
20100828 2025 W6SZ 20M
20100828 2033 KD0GAV 20M


N3KCM, 16-17 August


KD4QIT, 19 August


W7PSK, 20-22 August


K3PRN, 21 August


KB2VMG, 21-31 August


K9PLX & K9ZXO, 26-29 August

K9H — Going APE, 2010

We are Chuck (K9PLX) and Mitch (K9ZXO) Hopper. We grew up in the west central Illinois town of Jacksonville, although both of us have lived elsewhere for many years now. We decided to combine a trip to the old homestead to celebrate our mother's 91st birthday with our second APE weekend; we again obtained the special event call sign K9H (H for Hopper, of course) in commemoration of the event, and began making our plans in July.

Mitch provided the rig (an old IC-751 that he lovingly refers to as "steam powered"), the interface (a newly homebrewed masterpiece) and the tuner (an MFJ Intelli-Tuner). Chuck went to his club, the York Radio Club of Elmhurst, IL, and borrowed one of their sectional 30 foot masts, a couple of 50 foot lengths of coax, and a nice trapped dipole for 40 and 20 Meters, which also happened to load 80 Meters very well. The old homestead provided the 110 V. AC.

The station was set up on a screened porch and the situation would have been ideal if the weather had cooperated — BUT — it was pretty hot and humid throughout both days of the event. We still had some drop-in observers but not in the numbers of last year when the temperature and the humidity were both at least 15 points lower! Ugh.

On the whole, the bands could have been more cooperative but they certainly could have been much worse, and we ended the two days with 87 QSOs. this included time off for birthday dinners, and the fact that all the bands had gone completely dead in west central IL by midnight local time. The 87 QSOs included 16 unique DXCC entities on 5 continents, and 24 American states. There were 25 PODXS 070 members in there, including one other APE station, W6R who was working from Running Springs CA, just a few miles from the Redlands home of KC9BLJ, the son of K9PLX. It is, indeed, a small world!

Look for us again next year for the THIRD annual edition of K9H!

  CO4SM   Manuel Cuba   8/27/2010 21:34 20 PSK31
* KK3Q 0581 Floyd USA FL 8/27/2010 21:58 30 PSK31
* N2SLB 1151 Bob USA NY 8/27/2010 22:05 30 PSK31
  CO3CJ   Juan Carlos Cuba   8/27/2010 22:38 20 PSK31
  9A1CCB   Ogi Croatia   8/27/2010 22:51 20 PSK31
* W6R (APE by W0PE) 0975 Fred USA CA 8/27/2010 23:10 20 PSK31
  N7KF   Douglas USA OR 8/27/2010 23:23 20 PSK31
  LU1BR   Luis Argentina   8/28/2010 0:13 20 PSK31
  N7VWD   Mike USA WA 8/28/2010 0:27 20 PSK31
* W6QE 0650 Milton USA CA 8/28/2010 0:31 20 PSK31
* W7WIA/6 0658 Oliver USA CA 8/28/2010 0:46 20 PSK31
  W7JIF   Jerry USA AZ 8/28/2010 1:14 20 PSK31
* AA1ME 0841 Don USA ME 8/28/2010 1:23 20 PSK31
  XE2/KE6ENI   Dave Mexico   8/28/2010 1:54 20 PSK31
* K7MSC 1095 Mitch USA WA 8/28/2010 1:59 20 PSK31
* K0FBV 0810 Vic USA IA 8/28/2010 2:07 20 PSK31
* KH7S 1176 Russ Hawaii HI 8/28/2010 2:25 20 PSK31
  4B1GZU   Luis Mexico JA 8/28/2010 2:35 20 PSK31
  N7AM   Dave USA AZ 8/28/2010 2:43 20 PSK31
  RW0IM   Victor Asiatic Russia   8/28/2010 2:52 20 PSK31
  XE1UYS   Alejandro Mexico   8/28/2010 2:59 20 PSK31
* N7UVH 1169 Pat USA ID 8/28/2010 3:09 20 PSK31
* WA7HDZ 0404 Larry USA WA 8/28/2010 3:25 20 PSK31
  N3LZG   Andrew USA NY 8/28/2010 3:50 40 PSK31
  N7BLN   Ron USA AZ 8/28/2010 3:57 40 PSK31
* KC8WSM 1191 Bill USA CO 8/28/2010 4:05 40 PSK31
* KR4U 0272 David USA FL 8/28/2010 4:13 40 PSK31
  KQ7W   Matt USA WA 8/28/2010 4:23 40 PSK31
  KE7NKF   Bill USA ID 8/28/2010 4:33 40 PSK31
  W3MAT   Marlin USA PA 8/28/2010 4:51 40 PSK31
  KB7PYF   Charlie USA WA 8/28/2010 5:12 40 PSK31
  CO3CJ   Juan Carlos Cuba   8/28/2010 12:01 20 PSK31
  YV4GJN   Francesco Venezuela CP 8/28/2010 12:19 20 PSK31
  K5AHL   Tom USA TX 8/28/2010 14:22 20 PSK31
  W6JWP   Joe USA CA 8/28/2010 14:56 20 PSK31
* K1GMD 0411 Phil USA TX 8/28/2010 15:07 20 PSK31
* WA0SKN 0784 Alan USA NH 8/28/2010 15:26 20 PSK31
* VE3JW 0687 Darin Canada ON 8/28/2010 16:36 20 PSK31
  WA2DUE   Don USA NJ 8/28/2010 16:49 20 PSK31
* AB2RC 0391 Alex USA NJ 8/28/2010 17:22 20 PSK31
  KD0GAV   George USA CO 8/28/2010 17:51 20 PSK31
  K3LRH   Len USA DE 8/28/2010 17:58 20 PSK31
* W7BAL 1024 Bob USA AZ 8/28/2010 18:02 20 PSK31
* N7WET 0869 Mel USA AZ 8/28/2010 18:09 20 PSK31
* W3HF 0025 Steve USA PA 8/28/2010 18:20 20 PSK31
  WA5TLP   Virgil USA ND 8/28/2010 18:27 20 PSK31
  K3ML   Mel USA FL 8/28/2010 18:45 20 PSK31
  KD7MEK   Dan USA AZ 8/28/2010 18:57 20 PSK31
  KC2VKD   Michael USA NY 8/28/2010 19:03 20 PSK31
  AA5AT   Don USA LA 8/28/2010 20:00 20 PSK31
  KF4YCP   Jesse USA FL 8/28/2010 20:16 20 PSK31
  WA6OVP   Tom USA NV 8/28/2010 20:19 20 PSK31
  9A1CCB   Ogi Croatia   8/28/2010 21:58 20 PSK31
  HR1RTF   Rodney Honduras   8/28/2010 22:01 20 PSK31
  DL2GET   Eduard Germany   8/28/2010 22:10 20 PSK31
  W1SSF   Ron USA ME 8/28/2010 22:13 20 PSK31
* K8TOM 0815 Tom USA WA 8/28/2010 22:17 20 PSK31
  TG9AHM   Emmanuel Guatemala   8/28/2010 22:30 20 PSK31
  XE2YHR   Luis Mexico   8/29/2010 2:11 20 PSK31
  KF7HNA   Mark USA OR 8/29/2010 2:19 20 PSK31
  KD7OWH   Brad USA AZ 8/29/2010 2:23 20 PSK31
  KL7SK   Arthur USA WA 8/29/2010 2:27 20 PSK31
  PY3ED   Edenir Brazil RI 8/29/2010 2:31 20 PSK31
  K2OLO   Paul USA NY 8/29/2010 2:37 20 PSK31
  N8RO   Ron USA TX 8/29/2010 2:47 20 PSK31
  K6EBN   Eben USA CA 8/29/2010 2:58 20 PSK31
  WA6TWJ   David USA CA 8/29/2010 3:10 20 PSK31
  AE5HE   Doug USA TX 8/29/2010 3:15 20 PSK31
* K0PT 1006 Paul USA VA 8/29/2010 3:35 40 PSK31
  VE3QRA   Andrei Canada ON 8/29/2010 3:43 40 PSK31
  VA3DHJ   Tibi Canada ON 8/29/2010 3:49 40 PSK31
  K5ADT   Al USA NM 8/29/2010 3:58 40 PSK31
  W4SGA   Gerald USA GA 8/29/2010 4:04 40 PSK31
  K6TXT   Giora USA CA 8/29/2010 4:09 40 PSK31
  KJ6BBP   Mike USA CA 8/29/2010 4:15 40 PSK31
* W7CAR 1221 David USA OR 8/29/2010 4:21 40 PSK31
  NS2C   Joe USA FL 8/29/2010 4:26 40 PSK31
  KL5Z   Jeff USA MS 8/29/2010 4:33 40 PSK31
  F5GPE   Pierre France   8/29/2010 4:37 40 PSK31
* KD7KST 0280 Bill USA WA 8/29/2010 4:41 40 PSK31
  K7LL   Jim USA WA 8/29/2010 4:49 40 PSK31
  WB2YDS   Tom USA NY 8/29/2010 5:00 80 PSK31
  EA3NE   Jaume Spain   8/29/2010 5:22 40 PSK31
  G0UIQ   Bill England   8/29/2010 12:00 20 PSK31
  K4YJI   Bill USA GA 8/29/2010 12:25 20 PSK31
  W0GAN   Gregory USA KS 8/29/2010 12:41 20 PSK31
* AG0A 0647 Galen USA CO 8/29/2010 13:27 20 PSK31



The antenna center support The antenna center support








K9ZXO, K9PLX K9PLX and the (camera shy) birthday girl

KC9IIS, 27-28 August


W5KAM, 29-31 August


2011 APE Tall Tales

W7PAQ, 1-12 August


Finally after 6 weeks in a tent 50’ from the lake I am home recovering from around 1500 Boy Scouts/Cub scouts, and leaders. This will be my final APE from MelitaIsland since I am retiring from the staff as nature director. Perhaps celebrating my 70th birthday and being worn out by the younger cubs tells it all?? My xyl sends me to camp for all 6 weeks and considers it her vacation. I’ll attach a few pictures later once I get them on my main computer.

Location was Melita Island Scout camp near PolsonMT
I used my usually FT897 and a carolina windom way up in the ponderosas.
I only made 72 psk31 contacts and of course the solar flare didn’t help.
Call sign used was W7PAQ/7

6481 Larch Canyon Rd.
070 # 354

Number Callsign Date Time Band Mode Grid State
1 VE3UTN 8/1/2011 0:24 20m PSK31 EN93sj
2 NO8R 8/1/2011 0:31 20m PSK31 EN73hg MI
3 K7EMR 8/1/2011 0:48 20m PSK31 DN74fh WY
4 K4KTT 8/1/2011 13:11 20m PSK31 EM84 SC
5 KC8RL 8/1/2011 16:49 20m PSK31 EM60ik FL
6 KG6ASY 8/1/2011 16:49 20m PSK31 DM09cg NV
7 KI4TXA 8/1/2011 17:01 20m PSK31 EM56vi TN
8 WT6X 8/1/2011 17:29 20m PSK31 CM97cp CA
9 KU4AC 8/1/2011 20:55 20m PSK31 EM56 TN
10 W8TTY 8/1/2011 21:27 20m PSK31 EN91 OH
11 WQ9Z 8/1/2011 21:36 20m PSK31 EM58lc IL
12 KD4SH 8/1/2011 21:56 20m PSK31 EM76xb TN
13 KB0MAI 8/1/2011 22:14 20m PSK31 EM29ua MO
14 KB8OIU 8/1/2011 22:31 20m PSK31 EN91dj OH
15 KB8QLG 8/1/2011 23:18 20m PSK31 EM98el WV
16 W8LLY 8/2/2011 0:53 20m PSK31 EM79wp OH
17 K9ZJ 8/2/2011 13:45 20m PSK31 EN53ua WI
18 N8MNI 8/2/2011 14:32 20m PSK31 EM89gv OH
19 AC8IC 8/2/2011 16:32 20m PSK31 EN72dv MI
20 WK9X 8/2/2011 17:19 20m PSK31 EN60rg IN
21 KC9HIY 8/2/2011 18:49 20m PSK31 EN71ib IN
22 KC9KZQ 8/2/2011 18:59 20m PSK31 EN53ss WI
23 KD6SX 8/2/2011 19:49 20m PSK31 CM99gl CA
24 KD6RWF 8/2/2011 20:05 20m PSK31 DM09cc NV
25 W0NBP 8/3/2011 0:51 20m PSK31 EN31ta IA
26 VA3MJR 8/3/2011 19:17 20m PSK31 FN03bf
27 WD8NMV 8/3/2011 19:36 20m PSK31 EM78mk KY
28 GM0SDV 8/3/2011 23:06 20m PSK31 IO75ws
29 VA7DPF 8/3/2011 23:18 20m PSK31 CN89bd
30 AE7CW 8/4/2011 2:42 20m PSK31 DM43oi AZ
31 K5BUD 8/4/2011 13:51 20m PSK31 EM16wa OK
32 W6QE 8/6/2011 16:03 20m PSK31 DM13bx CA
33 KO4PU 8/6/2011 16:52 20m PSK31 EM67 KY
34 N6ERD 8/6/2011 18:37 20m PSK31 DM12kv CA
35 K0WIU 8/6/2011 18:49 20m PSK31 EN12hv SD
36 KE7NVR 8/6/2011 18:55 20m PSK31 DN40an UT
37 KF7F 8/6/2011 18:57 20m PSK31 DM37fb UT
38 K3JT 8/6/2011 21:31 20m PSK31 EM99 WV
39 W1WLH/7 8/6/2011 21:36 20m PSK31 DN40df UT
40 N2EOC 8/6/2011 22:34 20m PSK31 FN20 NJ
41 KA9MF 8/7/2011 13:56 20m PSK31 EN40
42 K5DDM 8/7/2011 14:07 20m PSK31 EM30bp TX
43 N7YT 8/7/2011 16:00 20m PSK31 CN87nn WA
44 N4MAW 8/7/2011 22:44 20m PSK31 EM66ue TN
45 K8EJU 8/7/2011 23:06 20m PSK31 EN81en OH
46 N7CSO 8/9/2011 0:30 20m PSK31 DN71od WY
47 K9AAN 8/9/2011 0:42 20m PSK31 EM78ee KY
48 KB0QC 8/9/2011 16:47 20m PSK31 DN70oc CO
49 K5GTX 8/9/2011 17:28 20m PSK31 EM13qb TX
50 VY1NM 8/10/2011 16:33 20m PSK31 CP20uh
51 KE9PH 8/10/2011 19:02 20m PSK31 EN61fr IL
52 VE7ZTW 8/10/2011 20:46 20m PSK31 CN79uh
53 K7DMB 8/10/2011 20:49 20m PSK31 DM26jd NV
54 W9MO 8/10/2011 20:59 20m PSK31 EM48vk IL
55 KF3AA 8/10/2011 21:10 20m PSK31 FM18 MD
56 KF5IAD 8/11/2011 13:39 20m PSK31 EM14ps OK
57 R9CQ 8/11/2011 13:56 20m PSK31 MO17ua
58 W3IWJ 8/12/2011 1:02 20m PSK31 FN20ft PA
59 N7AEE 8/12/2011 1:11 20m PSK31 DM22sp AZ
60 WA6OWM 8/12/2011 21:14 20m PSK31 DM03tu CA
61 W9CRB 8/13/2011 15:14 20m PSK31 DM26 NV
62 KE7EWI 8/13/2011 15:37 20m PSK31 CN87tf WA
63 W8FLC 8/13/2011 16:08 20m PSK31 EM79uu OH
64 N7QU 8/13/2011 16:37 20m PSK31 CN84 OR
65 KD7ZLF 8/13/2011 16:42 20m PSK31 CN85jk OR
66 VA7GEM 8/13/2011 16:49 20m PSK31 CN89li
67 KB1PSP 8/13/2011 16:54 20m PSK31 EM14am OK
68 K3MAW 8/13/2011 19:20 20m PSK31 FM18qq
69 K3VAT 8/13/2011 19:24 20m PSK31 FM09hp MD
70 NN9K 8/13/2011 20:03 20m PSK31 EN41tl IL
71 W3VPR 8/13/2011 20:52 20m PSK31 FM18qw MD
72 K2MGR 8/13/2011 23:16 20m PSK31 FN22gh NY


KD4QIT/LH, 4 August

On August 4th, with the trailer loaded with what was needed, I set off for New Point Comfort Lighthouse in Matthews County Va!! I had planned a radio activation of the lighthouse and with me were Dan W4DPL, Scott AE4TC and Charles KK4AIO. We got there by 8:30am got everything setup and were operating by 9:30am. We worked stations until 3pm. We had issues that arose - the tide came in so the water levels under vehicles got a little high which made things a little tricky. We had to move the generator a few times to keep it out of the water !!!. It was a muggy day, but the sun was not out in full force, so the fans in the trailer made it bearable. We operated 20 meter PSK31 ,20 meter SSB and 30 meter PSK31. We were not too successful on 15 and 40, but had a blast and we made over 50 contacts during the event !! All QSO's will be uploaded to eQSL and LOTW to cut back on the postage costs. We had a great time, but forgot to take pictures and to install the matching element on the 15 meter beam. So that antenna did not work well. Didn't even think about the element until i got home and was putting everything away. Can't wait until the next portable setup. The trailer worked perfectly for operating and holding the antennas!!


WA3WSJ, 4-8 August

Hello all,

Every year I take a trip to Cape Henlopen State Park, Delaware.This is a great state park and it’s by the ocean.It’s actually sandwiched between Lewes, Delaware to the north and Rehoboth Beach to the south.I took the trip this year for two reasons. The first was to go APE!The second was to operate as pedestrian mobile or WA3WSJ/pm.


The above picture is WA3WSJ Radio Camp 73 –hi!It’s not a tent, but a screen room with a few tarps over it to keep the rain and sun out.This works great in the summer as it allows air circulation through the room to keep it cool.Cape Henolpen State Park is a great place as it’s at the ocean.You can hear the ocean waves at night and they put you to sleep.I even heard the fog horn from the Harbor of Refuge Lighthouse.I didn’t even realize the connection of campsitenumber 73 and ham radio – duh!

I took my Kenwood TS-480 sat with me to use on the HF bands. I also just bought a new LDG Z11 Pro2 Antenna Tuner and installed eight AA battery cells so it has internal power. The tuner feeds my up and out UN-UN Antenna. This antenna is an inverted-L fed with a homebrew UN-UN or 1:1 balun.The antenna wire is just a piece of fifty-foot wire supported by a thirty one-foot collapsible pole.This antenna tuned 80m through 6m at camp!It worked great and I made almost fifty contacts on 20m PSK31. I worked many DX stations and some local stuff.

I usually only operated PSK31 in the mornings and in the evenings as I operated pedestrian mobile as WA3WSJ/pm most days.

Here’s my log for my APE:

1 - 9A9TT, 20m, 8/4/2011, psk31, 599, 21:21

2 – SQ7SJB, 20m, 8/4/2011, psk31, 599, 21:26

3 – OM8CD, 20m, 8/4/2011,psk31, 599, 21:28

4 – AG4QX, 20m, 8/4/2011, psk31, 599, 21:31

5 – OK1VP, 20m, 8/4/2011, psk31, 599, 21:35

6 – EW6FW, 20m, 8/4/2011, psk31, 599, 21:38

7 – ON5UN, 20m, 8/4/2011, psk31, 599, 21:40

8 – EA4GEL, 20m, 8/4/2011, psk31, 599, 21:44

9 – SQ3QVN, 20m, 8/4/2011, psk31, 599, 21:49

10- I1CCX, 20m, 8/4/2011, psk31, 599, 21:54

11- F4CZV, 20m, 8/4/2011, psk31, 599, 21:59

12- W9DTR, 20m, 8/4/2011, psk31, 599, 22:01

13- HI8MU, 20m, 8/4/2011, psk31, 599, 22:07

14- PD1K, 20m, 8/5/2011, psk31, 599, 00:44

15- KC2OUV, 20m, 8/5/2011, psk31, 599, 01:09

16- F8VOR, 20m, 8/5/2011, psk31, 599, 10:47

17- KD8JSP, 20m, 8/5/2011, psk31, 599, 13:35

18- WQ9Z, 20m, 8/5/2011, psk31, 599, 13:46

19- YU1SMS, 20m, 8/5/2011, psk31, 599, 20:52

20- PD0MDA, 20m, 8/5/2011, psk31, 599, 21:02

21- PD/DO1GMB, 20m, 8/5/2011, psk31, 599, 21:10

22- F4CZV, 20m, 8/5/2011, psk31, 599, 21:15

23- PH7Y, 20m, 8/5/2011, psk31, 599, 21:17

24- OK1VKK, 20m, 8/5/2011, psk31, 599, 21:26

25- EI1DG, 20m, 8/5/2011, psk31, 599, 21:29

26- DL7ASL, 20m, 8/5/2011, psk31, 599, 21:35

27- DG6MM, 20m, 8/5/2011, psk31, 599, 21:39

28- KA9CCH, 20m, 8/6/2011, psk31, 599, 01:47

29- K0WIU, 20m, 8/6/2011, psk31, 599, 01:57

30- W4DDK, 20m, 8/6/2011, psk31, 599, 02:09

31- KB3MIP, 20m, 8/6/2011, psk31, 599, 17:13

32- NP3IR, 20m, 8/6/2011, psk31, 599, 17:23

33- K9DJ, 20m, 8/6/2011, psk31, 599, 17:38

34- VE3NOO, 20m, 8/6/2011, psk31, 599, 21:01

35- DH2PA, 20m, 8/7/2011, psk31, 599, 01:29

36- KP4BZ, 20m, 8/7/2011, psk31, 599, 10:59

37- KB3FF/1, 20m, 8/7/2011, psk31, 599, 11:35

38- VE2KOT, 20m, 8/7/2011, psk31, 599, 16:01

39- W8PAW, 20m, 8/7/2011, psk31, 599, 16:08

40- W1LBC, 20m, 8/7/2011, psk31, 599, 16:14

41- KD2JA, 20m, 8/7/2011, psk31, 599, 16:22

42- K1KEN, 20m, 8/8/2011, psk31, 599, 00:17

43- WU0U, 20m, 8/8/2011, psk31, 599, 00:23

44- W4QO, 20m, 8/8/2011, psk31, 599, 00:32

45- K0ABC, 20m, 8/8/2011, psk31, 599, 00:50

46- KJ4NXD, 20m, 8/8/2011, psk31, 599, 10:19

47- AJ4RW, 20m, 8/8/2011, psk31, 599, 10:27

As you can see by my log, the first afternoon there I ran Europe! I had many more stations calling me so I missed a few –hi!The Up & Out UN-UN Antenna is definitely a keeper!This was the first time I used this antenna, but it won’t be the last.


The above picture is WA3WSJ/pm operating CW on the beach near the Lewes Inner Breakwater Lighthouse. I had many people ask me what are you doing? Some thought I was fishing! I just told them – ham radio!

See my website at: http://www.wa3wsj.homestead.com/



070 # 295


KØH - KØACP, 6 August


On August 6, 2011, K0ACP and several other local hams put together a one-day APE and Special Event. The idea for this was hatched last fall when the head ranger for the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library asked the Iowa City Amateur Radio Club, ICARC, to do a special event / remote operation at the library during Hooverfest, the annual event in August that commemorates the hometown of Iowa’s only U.S. President, Herbert Hoover. It is quite the shindig and culminates in the world championship for Hooverball – an Iowa-unique version of volleyball.

A 1x1 callsign, K0H was secured for the special event, and the ranger, a fellow ham, agreed to secure a place for us to operate at the celebration.Unfortunately, the ranger retired and as they say, the details of our site reservation got lost in the sands of time…Well not one to be deterred, K0ACP, worked with a local county park, F.W. Kent Park and secured site for the APE and Special Event station.

This was a multi-multi operation, and setup began at 09:30 local. The main operating station was an icom 7000 feeding a fan dipole (10m, 15m, and 20m) supported by a 40’ aluminum mast. The rig control was through a microHam USB III with a MacBook Pro running FLDigi. The antenna can be erected as a solo operation, but goes much quicker with some help, in this case, KI0JP and KD0JHX provided much welcomed assistance. Here are some pictures of the assembly:

2011APE_K0ACP-tripod 2011APE_K0ACP-final setup


The first picture shows the base tripod holding up 3 sections of mast with a Comet GP1 at the top to support VHF & UHF communications. The second picture shows the final setup. Operations were done under the shelter and power was provided by a rented Honda 2kw generator. After assembly, some hiking, and a lunch, operations commenced at 14:00 local. Around 15:00 local, N0PFT joined the fun and set up his icom 7000 connected to a 20m ¼ wave vertical with two raised radials for phone operations on 20m. The vertical was supported with a collapsible fiberglass mast that was mounted on a plate held in place with his car.


2011APE_K0ACP-antenna 2011APE_K0ACP-friend


While we were able to successfully work both stations simultaneously, there was a fair bit interference, future multi-op efforts will require greater separation and perhaps use of bandpass filters.



In any case, the special event and APE were a bunch of fun and a success. 34 PSK Q’s were logged K0ACP / K0H, they are:


2011-08-06 18:50:00N8XMS20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 18:57:00VA3MJR20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 19:06:00W5FER20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 19:12:00KJ8O20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 19:31:00WB6UOL20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 19:36:00K5TCJ20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 19:39:00K5PAX20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 19:44:00KE7NVX20mPSK31599539

2011-08-06 19:47:00KD7ZLF20mPSK31599569

2011-08-06 19:52:00W4/KL7GLL 20mPSK31599579

2011-08-06 19:55:00K5EVR20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 19:59:00W8FDV20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 20:03:00ND7W20mPSK31599599
2011-08-06 20:14:00KJ4USA20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 20:26:00N0GWM20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 20:40:00N3PPH20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 20:44:00N2GXJ20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 20:50:00W1CRO20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 20:54:00KK5ID20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 20:57:00K1DFS20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 21:02:00KE5HTB20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 21:24:00NU4C15mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 21:33:00NN8W15mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 21:41:00N8RGQ/QRP15mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 22:02:00K3JT15mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 22:11:00KD8HSV15mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 22:50:00WX7P20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 22:56:00WO8USA20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 23:08:00KG6UEF20mPSK31599599

2011-08-06 23:15:00W6QE20mPSK31599599

2011-08-07 00:47:00K8GNZ20mPSK31599579

2011-08-07 00:56:00W0GLB20mPSK31599599

2011-08-07 01:02:00AH6JA20mPSK31599599

2011-08-07 01:16:00PY3ED20mPSK31599599


A cookout was planned and KD0JHZ joined the intrepid crowd. Burgers, beans, potato salad, and chips were the fair.As thesun started to fade, operations were halted and by 21:00 local, all was packed and the APE was in the can.The only remaining activity was an ice cream stop at Jon’s in Tiffin.

Once home, all logs were processed and uploaded to LoTW.Paper QSL is available via contact information on QRZ.

My thanks to KD0JHX, KI0JP, N0PFT, and KD0JHZ for their assistance in making this APE Special Event a success.

KD8JSP, 7 August

KD8JSP2011 APE Tall Tale and a little bit more.
2011APE_KD8JSP_Sturgeon Pt QSL Card

The story begins with the annual family camping trip to Harrisville State Park in Alcona Co., MI.This has been going on for 35+ years.We spent 2 weeks there and operated portable from the campsite from August 1st to the 14th.

The Sturgeon Point Lighthouse is about 5 miles north of the campgrounds and has been a favorite place to visit.Our oldest son, Jeremiah, proposed to his wife there 2 years ago.

When I first heard about APE, I knew that activating the lighthouse would be the thing to do.But never having worked a lighthouse I was also clueless.Luckily we spent a week camping up there in June and made contact with the Alcona Historical Society. They operate the museum at the lighthouse.I found out that it was owned by the State of Michigan and they put me on track to get the necessary permits. We received final approval just before we left on July 31st.
The activation was a 2 day event with August 6th being SSB and the 7th PSK.My wife, Barb, dropped me and the gear off at the lighthouse about 6:45 a.m. on Saturday. I was able to get the 40 meter dipole up in the trees and the station setup to begin operation at 8:00.Right on schedule.The day had beautiful weather and we operated till 6:00 p.m. with 208 QSOs.We left the antenna up, but packed up all the rest for tomorrow.

2011APE_KD8JSP_stringing the antenna

The big day has arrived. APE!Dropped off at 7:30 today, got to sleep in.We had the station setup and ready to go again at 8…. NO POWER.I had left the battery system at home not expecting to need it. My fault.

The power was restored just before 10:30 and we went on-the-air.The 20m band was good and contacts started rolling in.I had many more people come over today and see what was going on. Probably because I was not on the mic and seemed to be just sitting there.Everyone showed quite a lot if interest and were surprised about the digital communications.

Then about 1 in the afternoon the rains began.And rain it did, the only thing missing was lightning which was fine by me.Luckily the awning I picked up for the event lowers to about 4 feet.So I operated in my ‘ham cave’ like that till 6:30 p.m.Yeah, it was still fun and I soon forgot about the rain.Overall there were 100 PSK contacts in 8 hours with 27 APE contacts with 26 members.I think that was an outstanding number and thanks to all of you for finding me on the band.The rain let up just enough to get it all packed in and head back to camp. I’m really looking forward to next August now.

2011APE_KD8JSP_rain operations 2011APE_KD8JSP_The rig
As for camp, during the other 10 days of operation (sorry not APE) we had over 300 more contacts. Running the logs thru the LONP checker found that there were 79 members contacted in total during the 2 weeks. Wow!

That’s all for now, vy73, John KD8JSP, 070# 1320

* PODXS 070 members






































































































IK1AMC, 14 August

I am very happy to have participated for the first time to the APE Expedition.

From my home in Vado Ligure i went in the Piemonte region near the city of Ceva.

The trip started at 7 AM (local time) and was very fast and quiet and i started the transmissions at 8 AM (local time).

I was the only member of the expedition and the site of the expedition operations was a hill over the Ceva town.

My rig:

Radio: Yaesu FT-857D set on 18 W output

Computer: netbook Packard Bell / Windows 7

DC-DC adapter for netbook

Software: Ham Radio Deluxe

Interface: home made

Antenna: home made Long Wire

Balun: home made

Antenna Tuner: Z-11Pro LDG

Power Supply: 1 Battery 12v/12Ah (radio), 1 Battery 12v/7Ah (PC)

73 to all de IK1AMC Gilio

2011APE_IK1AMC-2 2011APE_IK1AMC-3


KJ4IZW, 12-14 August

I worked as KJ4IZW/4 this weekend (thursday evening -> sunday morning ET) from Charleston, SC (EM92xu) -- Just over 2 hour drive (120 miles) from home QTH (west side of state in Aiken, SC; EM93dm). Site was a townhouse -- I doubled this up with a little weekend mini-vacation. Brought the following equipment with me, and ran coax out the back door to the car.
* laptop
* edgeport 4-port serial-to-usb convert (for FSK/PTT line and CIV line)
* ISOkit soundcard interface
* Astron power supply
* Sierra Slim 20M mobile antenna

The antenna was mounted to the hitch of the car (1999 subaru outback legacy) -- I just got this antenna from High Sierra to try out portable/mobile possibilities, and it's worked great so far. Was easy to adjust (whip slips up & down) for a great SWR (using MFJ-259B) -- had pretty close to 1:1 at 14.070, and it's under 2:1 all the way through 14.300 for SSB. Length is about 7.5 ft. On initial test of it on SSB, I had a clear conversation with a Louisiana lighthouse, heard a DL, and broke a minor pile-up to W1AW/5 in NM! The last one did take ~20 tries, but I was impressed the little antenna and 100W got through! And seemed to work just fine on PSK this weekend as well ...

So thursday I packed everything up in a newly purchased SPUD7-35 dry box. I found this great walkthrough: http://www.kr7rk.com/gobox.htm where he has the exact same goals I do .. Basically want to be able to pick up the station as a whole, drop in a box, and walk off. I'm not quite there
yet -- for now just used it as a container. But next project is to built the shelf and mount everything (radio, tuner, rigrunner, ISOkit, edgeport) to it, so it can be dropped in the box, taken out, and just add power & coax.

I had tested everything out thursday afternoon, plugging into laptop (normally have a ham desktop) and using home antennas, and made a psk contact. However, when trying it out thursday night portable, I was getting traces in the waterfall but almost no decodes (using DXLab suite/Winwarbler) ... only the very strongest sigs would decode, and then usually only briefly
(like 1 word). And had this problem friday night, too, so combined thurs/friday Q-count: 5

Thanks to replies on dxlab & 070 listservs, on saturday morning I re-triple-checked my laptop sound settings, and found a "voice recording" filter on the microphone that was on -- was hiding in a non-standard control panel location. Turned that off and instant decodes!!! So now in business!

Was able to put in a few small chunks of time, and ended up with 38 PSK QSO's (and 1 RTTY). Highlights/stats:
* 38 QSOs (all 20M)
* Countries: K, VE, CO, EA, OZ ==> Was excited to get the two EU contacts on the mobile antenna!
* 10 fellow 070 members, including KD8JSP/P working APE, N3PPH working K3CAL for MD-QSP, KF3AA & KC2WTG for new LONP contacts, and KA2HHB & KC2QFR for my 14th & 15th WABOL contacts.

So I definitely accomplished my goals of being able to work portable, and passing the 20-QSO mark. Next major goal is to try mobile -- need to build the go-box, and also work out a power source in the subaru (how to route power, or just get a dedicated battery)... Since the APE was a great motivation to go portable, I had a idea for a similar mobile event .. Will post in a separate email.

I know I was on sporadically, so special thanks to the 070 members that tried (successful or not) to search me out and give me a call. And thanks to Karen for processing the APE submissions, and the 6 months of BINGO/WOTMC I just dumped her way, too!!

Here is my log, all on 20M PSK31:

Call QSO_Begin_Date QSO_Begin_Time
NX2P 8/12/2011 0208Z
CO3GD 8/12/2011 0229Z
VE6EPK 8/13/2011 0125Z
K5GTX 8/13/2011 0145Z
KD8AQ 8/13/2011 0156Z
K1EPT 8/13/2011 1319Z
AB1OC 8/13/2011 1328Z
W4YFJ 8/13/2011 1334Z
WQ9Z 8/13/2011 1338Z
KD8JSP/P 8/13/2011 1348Z
K3MAW 8/13/2011 1639Z
K3CAL 8/13/2011 1650Z
WA4EQW 8/13/2011 1653Z
WA1HFF 8/13/2011 1704Z
KI4EME 8/13/2011 1707Z
KF3AA 8/13/2011 1713Z
CO3JA 8/13/2011 1721Z
N3ES 8/13/2011 1734Z
KC2WTG 8/13/2011 1743Z
KA2HHB 8/13/2011 1916Z
NO8R 8/13/2011 1923Z
EA5GXE 8/13/2011 1944Z
CO2VE 8/13/2011 2226Z
OZ1KBS 8/13/2011 2229Z
CO5FB 8/13/2011 2233Z
W5EPC 8/13/2011 2241Z
W3HF 8/13/2011 2247Z
KC2QFR 8/13/2011 2255Z
VE3PME 8/13/2011 2309Z
WB4PHC 8/14/2011 0100Z
WD8NMV 8/14/2011 0117Z
KC9QQO 8/14/2011 0125Z
KC2OUV 8/14/2011 0317Z
W8FLC 8/14/2011 0320Z
K5DDM 8/14/2011 1304Z
WB8MIW 8/14/2011 1315Z
W2NAF 8/14/2011 1335Z
K9ZJ 8/14/2011 1352Z

070 #1041

N2GWK, 19-20 August


N2GWK went APE again this year visiting yet another Kentucky State Park.This year it was Rough River Dam State Resort Park in Falls of Rough Ky.Our APE QTH was Cabin 201 located in Grayson County, EM67ro.
2011APE_N2GWK_Pic01 2011APE_N2GWK_pic02 2011APE_N2GWK_pic03 2011APE_N2GWK_PIC03a 2011APE_N2GWK_pic04

The rig used was my Yaesu FT-857.As for the antenna, I was once again disappointed in the performance of my Buddipole so I switched to the old faithful 31 ft. vertical antenna matched with my LDG Z100 autotuner.Software was HRD 4.0 and DM-780 on an ACER Notepad.

QSO count was 60, consisting of 14 PODXS 070 members, 8 of which were LONP Members.

All PODXS070 Members worked will receive a custom APQ QSL with my gorgeous face on it (hihi).

I'm already planning for next year's APE,sure hope to see you on my waterfall.



George de N2GWK

PODXS 070 #619, LONP #077

Date Start End Station Band Mode Sent Recv Name 070 # LONP #
8/19/2011 20:22 20:28 KA2IAJ 20m PSK31 599 599 Dick
8/19/2011 20:44 20:51 KC8WSM 20m PSK31 599 497 Bill 1191 188
8/19/2011 21:45 21:50 EA4FAM 20m PSK31 599 599 Aurelio
8/19/2011 21:52 22:00 K3ML 20m PSK31 599 599 Mel
8/19/2011 23:24 23:31 W8IDW 20m PSK31 599 599 John 1425
8/20/2011 0:00 0:03 YV4GLF 40m PSK31 599 599 Fanco
8/20/2011 0:10 0:18 W7GET 20m PSK31 559 599 Garret
8/20/2011 0:28 0:32 US0MM 20m PSK31 599 599 Igor
8/20/2011 0:36 0:45 KA1VY 20m PSK31 599 599 Ernie
8/20/2011 1:03 1:09 KD9DP 40m PSK31 599 599 Daryl
8/20/2011 1:11 1:16 KA5PNX 40m PSK31 599 599 Mike
8/20/2011 1:17 1:23 W8RCW 40m PSK31 599 599 Rich 1257
8/20/2011 1:26 1:31 W9JMJ 40m PSK31 599 599 Jim 1330
8/20/2011 1:33 1:40 K9VIC 40m PSK31 599 599 Eric 312 42
8/20/2011 2:07 2:12 K0ABC 40m PSK31 599 599 Mark 897 121
8/20/2011 2:16 2:22 AB5Q 40m PSK31 599 599 John
8/20/2011 2:25 2:30 WG5T 40m PSK31 599 599 Bill 491 50
8/20/2011 2:31 2:38 KY5M 40m PSK31 599 599 Steven
8/20/2011 2:42 2:47 K2TOD 40m PSK31 599 599 Todd
8/20/2011 2:49 2:56 KB0VB 40m PSK31 599 599 Christian
8/20/2011 2:58 3:04 W1IPS 40m PSK31 599 599 Ral 646 113
8/20/2011 3:06 3:13 W0PE 40m PSK31 599 599 Fred 975 156
8/20/2011 3:22 3:30 VA3MJR 40m PSK31 599 599 David 1053
8/20/2011 12:38 12:43 N4SGB 20m PSK31 339 599 Don
8/20/2011 13:01 13:02 CO3GD 20m PSK31 599 599 Alberto
8/20/2011 13:24 13:28 N1AGE 20m PSK31 599 599 Dana
8/20/2011 14:03 14:08 W5IPA 20m PSK31 599 599 Jason
8/20/2011 14:28 14:38 W8TTY 20m PSK31 579 599 Al
8/20/2011 15:58 16:04 KDLZLF 20m PSK31 579 579 Howard 1256 174
8/20/2011 16:17 16:23 W2GSB 20m PSK31 599 599 Walter
8/20/2011 16:27 16:35 WA4KBD 20m PSK31 599 599 Bill
8/20/2011 17:13 17:20 K3BFQ 20m PSK31 599 599 Larry
8/20/2011 18:01 18:08 W4JUP 20m PSK31 599 599 Kevin - Lite house
8/20/2011 18:22 18:29 K4PIL 20m PSK31 599 599 Paul - Lite House
8/20/2011 18:36 18:39 KP3RE/LH 20m PSK31 599 599 Light House
8/20/2011 20:43 20:46 HP2TP 20m PSK31 599 599 Light House
8/20/2011 21:07 21:10 CO8FD 20m PSK31 599 599 Freddy
8/20/2011 21:13 21:17 ES5EVO 20m PSK31 599 599 Evo
8/20/2011 21:41 21:47 CO8ZV 20m PSK31 599 599 Yuniel
8/20/2011 21:48 21:54 W7GSH 20m PSK31 599 599 Gary
8/20/2011 22:05 22:08 XE2KVS 20m PSK31 599 599 Light House
8/20/2011 22:22 22:27 HK6DOS 20m PSK31 599 599 Oscar
8/20/2011 23:53 0:05 KE5ZRT 20m PSK31 599 599 Chris
8/21/2011 0:19 0:23 N7CSO 20m PSK31 599 599 Ralph
8/21/2011 0:32 0:38 PY3ED 20m PSK31 599 599 Edenir
8/21/2011 0:50 0:56 CO2VE 20m PSK31 599 599 Marcos
8/21/2011 1:37 1:40 TG9AHM 20m PSK31 599 599 Emmanuel
8/21/2011 1:56 2:14 Z36T 20m PSK31 599 599 Al
8/21/2011 2:21 2:28 K1ING 20m PSK31 599 599 Gerald
8/21/2011 2:31 2:39 W1NDY 20m PSK31 599 599 Alan 945
8/21/2011 2:59 3:07 KG6HUF 20m PSK31 599 599 Tyler
8/21/2011 12:13 12:16 CO2JD 20m PSK31 599 599 Juan
8/21/2011 12:17 12:22 CO3TJ 20m PSK31 599 599 Joel
8/21/2011 12:29 12:35 CO5FB 20m PSK31 599 599 Pablo
8/21/2011 13:45 13:54 W4A/LH 20m PSK31 599 599 Ron
8/21/2011 14:01 14:13 W5FER 20m PSK31 599 599 Jim 1217
8/21/2011 14:21 14:26 K8TOM 20m PSK31 599 599 Tom 815 116
8/21/2011 14:29 14:36 WA4ZKS 20m PSK31 599 599 Bill
8/21/2011 14:53 14:58 CO6YVC 20m PSK31 599 599 Jim
8/21/2011 15:00 15:04 N2MO 20m PSK31 599 599 Henry

K9H, 20-21 August

APE weekend 2011, through no fault of our own, slowly morphed into APE day 2011 and then APE afternoon and evening 2011 but we determined to make the best of it and we DID have fun. Events conspired to keep us from starting on Friday evening as we have done in the past, so we decided that Mitch (K9ZXO) would arrive first since he had the shorter distance to travel and see what he could do about setting up a temporary dipole at the new homestead. The new homestead being a much smaller place than the old one, he ended up with a dipole with one leg (the "hot" side) running north-south and the other leg (the "ground" side) running east-west. Not optimal, but the best he could do. Meanwhile, Chuck (K9PLX) was on his way from the Chicago suburbs (about a 4-hour drive) with a Hustler 4-band vertical in the back of his van.

Mitch got the rig set up: an old steam-powered IC-751, an Acer laptop, a homebrew interface, an MFJ 945E tuner, and a scope; and K9H was on the air. It was already late morning Saturday. The next two hours resulted in only six contacts, all on 20 meters and all in the continental US.

2011APE_k9h_station 2011APE_k9h_scope
The station Scoping things out

Chuck finally arrived shortly after lunchtime and the vertical antenna was assembled and connected. After that, things started to improve significantly. We found good activity on 15 meters through the afternoon, right up until time to break for dinner. After a long dinner to celebrate our mother's coming 92nd birthday we were back on the air and stayed on, working primarily 20 and 40 meters, until both bands seemed to dry up at about the same time around midnight CDT.

2011APE_k9h_ant 2011APE_k9h_operator
The Hustler vertical (dipole also visible) K9PLX at the keyboard

Sunday was a day of other obligations for both of us, so K9H ended up being a "one day wonder" this year, but even with the short on-air time we were able to make 36 contacts with 14 countries and 14 states, so it wasn't a bad showing by any means. We also had a few interesting moments, such as:

  • Contacting Fred, KC2QFR in Wappingers Falls, NY and commenting to ourselves that we'd never heard of that town, then calling CQ and being answered by David, N2JBO—in Wappingers Falls NY!
  • Speaking of interesting place names, we worked Dave, WA6TWJ in Rough and Ready, CA.
  • We also discovered it was a lighthouse weekend and worked a few of them, including one on Fire Island NY.

All in all, a good 3rd annual showing for the Hopper brothers and K9H. See you next year!

K9H Logbook 2011

1 KD7ZLF 8/20/2011 18:21 20 PSK31 USA OR Gaston OR Howard
2 W2GSB 8/20/2011 18:41 20 PSK31 USA NY Fire Island, NY Club Stn
3 KE5NTH 8/20/2011 19:25 20 PSK31 USA OK Mustang OK Randy
4 W3SK 8/20/2011 19:50 20 PSK31 USA PA Yardley PA Andy
5 KA1VY/5 8/20/2011 19:53 20 PSK31 USA NM Portable in NM Ernie
6 N6BO 8/20/2011 20:10 20 PSK31 USA CA Belmont CA Chuck
7 DM8JH 8/20/2011 20:51 15 PSK31 Germany   Schwendi, Germany Juergen
8 IZ5RVG 8/20/2011 21:03 15 PSK31 Italy   Arezzo, Italy Marco
9 SP6OUQ 8/20/2011 21:14 15 PSK31 Poland   Nysa, Poland Ryszard
10 IK8JKU 8/20/2011 21:31 15 PSK31 Italy   Pontecagnano, Italy Enzo
11 TG9AHM 8/20/2011 21:42 15 PSK31 Guatemala   Guatemala City, Guatemala Emmanuel
12 G0UZP 8/20/2011 21:47 15 PSK31 England   Stoke on Trent, England Paul
13 KA1PPV 8/21/2011 0:24 20 PSK31 USA CT Stamford, CT Joe
14 K1PHG 8/21/2011 0:35 20 PSK31 USA CT Brookfield CT Peter
15 KA2HHB 8/21/2011 0:45 20 PSK31 USA NJ Newark NJ Ruben
16 IS0TIP 8/21/2011 0:53 20 PSK31 Sardinia      
17 Z36T 8/21/2011 0:59 20 PSK31 Macedonia   Novo Seio Macedonia Al
18 KF5IHC 8/21/2011 1:18 20 PSK31 USA NM Rio Rancho NM Marc
19 W1LRS 8/21/2011 1:30 20 PSK31 USA VT Barre VT Russ
20 KC2QFR 8/21/2011 1:36 20 PSK31 USA NY Wappingers Falls NY Fred
21 N2JBO 8/21/2011 1:43 20 PSK31 USA NY Wappingers Falls NY David
22 XE2KVS 8/21/2011 1:56 20 PSK31 Mexico   Saltillo, Coahuila Mexico Club Stn
23 WA6TWJ 8/21/2011 2:06 20 PSK31 USA CA Rough and Ready CA Dave
24 K8TOM 8/21/2011 2:14 20 PSK31 USA WA Monroe WA Tom
25 W8FDV 8/21/2011 2:19 20 PSK31 USA AZ Apache Junction AZ Jim
26 KN7S 8/21/2011 2:33 20 PSK31 USA WA Snohomish WA Dave
27 CO3LM 8/21/2011 2:57 20 PSK31 Cuba   Havana Cuba Luz Marina
28 K7RXC 8/21/2011 3:05 20 PSK31 USA WY Casper WY Paul
29 PY2ROE 8/21/2011 3:15 20 PSK31 Brazil   Sao Paolo Brazil Carlos
30 W0PE 8/21/2011 3:48 20 PSK31 USA CA Yorba Linda CA Fred
31 K2IWR 8/21/2011 3:58 40 PSK31 USA NY Myers Point NY  
32 F5GPE 8/21/2011 4:08 40 PSK31 France   Meylan France Pierre
33 IT9QDS 8/21/2011 4:18 40 PSK31 Italy   Siracusa Italy Sebastiano
34 UN1L 8/21/2011 4:44 20 PSK31 Kazakhstan   Rudny Kazakhstan Gennadiy
35 VE6VLV 8/21/2011 4:51 20 PSK31 Canada AB Edmonton, AB Canada Vaclav
36 N4NUI 8/21/2011 12:45 20 PSK31 USA CA Santa Clara CA Jay

EB5DZC/P, 20-28 August


Hola a todos .

Miviaje empezó el sábado 20, llegando al Paraje las Casícassobre las 13:00. Después de comer con la familia me dispuse a montar equipamiento y antenas en mi Roller Aloha .

Normalmente el dipolo va en un mástil telescópico de 7m , pero le gane 4m mas de altura con un trozo de mástil de fibra de los usados para windsurf,la Diamond/m (para 6m) iva instalada en un trípode de 2.50m.

Tenía pensamiento estar en el aire el 21 (domingo), para las 17:00 estaba la G5RV y Diamond /m montadas.

Después de 30 min. de piscina fresquita decidí probar como pitaban las antenas , primera llamada cq test 17:28 y el amigo Vlad EV1P/2 respondiendo un 599, viendo que todo va perfecto deje la radio para el domingo 21.

Pero,,,,,,,,,,,con tiempo libre y el equipo preparado no pude esperar al domingo yel mismo sábado 20 ya estaba en el aire eb5dzc/p (hi).

La banda de 6m que esperaba trabajar, no se abría y la antena usaba no me convenció, entonces me centre en el resto de bandas, trabajando 10-15-17-20-30-40 m (según propagación).

No he podido estar en el aire el tiempo que hubiera querido, tenía que combinar familia-radio-visitas al hospital y el día solo tiene 24 h (hi).

Mi IC-706 (30w) junto con G5RV(junior) , no es una súper estación perola diversión está asegurada.

Gracias a todos los que mantuvieron un contacto con eb5dzc/p (miembros y no miembros).

Todos los contactos son confirmados por eQSL.cc, si necesitas la confirmación en papel solo vía directa (no soy miembro de buro), mis datos son correctos en qrz.com .

Un saludo a todos y nos vemos en la cascadachau………………….

2011APE_EB5DZC_PIC_0002 2011APE_EB5DZC_PIC_0003
2011APE_EB5DZC_PIC_0057 2011APE_EB5DZC_PIC_0059

Start date UTC TX kHz Mode Call RST S RST R Name QTH IOTA Notes

-------------------- -------- ------ ----------- ----- ----- -------------- ----------------------- ------ ------------

20-Aug-2011 17:28:57 14072.8 BPSK31 EV1P/2 599 599 Mostische Mostische

20-Aug-2011 18:06:50 14072.3 BPSK31 UT5FMA 599 599 Vladimir ODESSA

20-Aug-2011 18:11:45 14072.3 BPSK31 UT2GA 568 599 SERGEY KHERSON

20-Aug-2011 18:15:49 14072.3 BPSK31 DL4ARJ/P 599 599 Hartmut Gera

20-Aug-2011 18:23:27 14072.3 BPSK31 DK3LJ 599 599 Jan Camberg

20-Aug-2011 21:35:56 14072.2 BPSK31 G4TZX 599 599 GORDON Kent

20-Aug-2011 21:42:10 14072.2 BPSK31 OM8CD 599 599 STEFAN POPRAD

20-Aug-2011 21:52:27 14072.2 BPSK31 EW6FW 568 599 Sergej VITEBSK

20-Aug-2011 22:02:20 14072.2 BPSK31 DL0PBS/LH 599 599 Raphael ISL JUIST EU-047

20-Aug-2011 22:14:06 14072.2 BPSK31 N1AGE 599 599 DANA Somerset

21-Aug-2011 08:20:02 28121.2 BPSK31 F1ILA 599 599 Laurent Labatut

21-Aug-2011 08:34:43 28121.2 BPSK31 EC5BIT 599 599 FELIPE MULA

21-Aug-2011 08:48:33 28121.3 BPSK31 RA4HDT 599 599 Alexandr CHAPAEVSK

21-Aug-2011 09:08:34 28121.1 BPSK31 HA5KN/P 568 599 JANOS NAGYKATA

21-Aug-2011 09:24:24 28121.1 BPSK31 OE4HPC 599 599 HANS SIGLESS

21-Aug-2011 09:31:43 28121.1 BPSK31 9A9D 568 599 ZORAN BJELOVAR

21-Aug-2011 09:50:42 28121.2 BPSK31 SP6LUY 599 599 EDWARD NYSA

21-Aug-2011 10:02:09 28121.2 BPSK31 IZ2KLV 599 599 GENEROSO S. STEFANO OGGIONA

21-Aug-2011 10:10:21 28121.2 BPSK31 D2QR 568 599 Serg LUNDA NORTE

21-Aug-2011 18:02:23 28121.2 BPSK31 F4GOH 599 599 Anthony TELOCHE

21-Aug-2011 18:10:50 28121.2 BPSK31 DO4APB 599 599 ARTUR BORKEN

21-Aug-2011 18:21:00 28121.2 BPSK31 ON3MR 599 599 MARIO La Louviere

21-Aug-2011 18:36:09 21071.1 BPSK31 R7GK 599 599 Yakov ESSENTUKYlU

21-Aug-2011 18:42:23 21071.1 BPSK31 OH3MFQ 568 599

21-Aug-2011 18:45:05 21071.1 BPSK31 ES3RM 568 599 MAIT JARVAKANDI

21-Aug-2011 18:48:41 21071.1 BPSK31 DD7IW 434 599 Johann KAISERSLAUTERN

21-Aug-2011 18:51:25 21071.1 BPSK31 ES3BR 599 599 HEINO JARVAKANDI

21-Aug-2011 18:57:36 21071.1 BPSK31 SA0BMV 557 599 Martin MARSTA

21-Aug-2011 19:08:46 21071.1 BPSK31 DO5UQ 557 599 Rolf Friedrichshafen

21-Aug-2011 19:15:19 21071.1 BPSK31 UT5JCE 599 599 Mike Sevastopol

21-Aug-2011 20:13:25 21071.2 BPSK31 ES6JAN 568 599 JANNO VASTSE-ROOSA

21-Aug-2011 20:18:55 21071.2 BPSK31 IZ2QDC 599 599 GIANPAOLO Rodero

21-Aug-2011 20:32:54 7035.9 BPSK31 TM11NOR 599 599 KARAM SPECIAL CALL

21-Aug-2011 20:35:29 7035.8 BPSK31 YO3IFJ 557 599 BOGDAN BUCHAREST

21-Aug-2011 20:39:46 7036.1 BPSK31 SP3FCO 599 599 ANDRZEJ KONIN

21-Aug-2011 20:43:55 7036.7 BPSK31 SP9ONC 599 599 MIREK KOZY

21-Aug-2011 20:48:56 7036.4 BPSK31 OK1VKK 568 599 Franta Karlovy Vary

21-Aug-2011 20:54:12 7036.4 BPSK31 F6HIQ/P-QRP 434 599

21-Aug-2011 20:56:07 7036.4 BPSK31 OK2VCR 568 599 ZDENEK STRELICE

21-Aug-2011 21:02:37 7036.4 BPSK31 HB9RML 599 599 THOMAS Bennau

21-Aug-2011 21:07:07 7036.4 BPSK31 IZ1BZS/I1 599 599 Marco

21-Aug-2011 21:16:34 7036.2 BPSK31 DB7HH 568 599 Hansi Seesen

23-Aug-2011 20:42:54 10141.8 BPSK31 PA5W 568 599 Arno Emmeloord

23-Aug-2011 20:48:44 10141.8 BPSK31 RA1QX 599 599 Alex CHEREPOVETS

23-Aug-2011 20:52:56 10141.8 BPSK31 DF7NR 599 599 Markus Dippach

23-Aug-2011 20:59:07 10141.8 BPSK31 F6HSJ 599 599 Patrick WATTERLOS

23-Aug-2011 21:06:11 10141.8 BPSK31 UY2VK 557 599 Valentin SEVEROVODSK

23-Aug-2011 21:11:00 10141.8 BPSK31 ON4KEB 568 599 Pierre Fleron

23-Aug-2011 21:24:01 10141.8 BPSK31 SP9CV 599 599 Cezar Czestochowa

23-Aug-2011 21:27:41 10141.8 BPSK31 RZ3BQ 568 599 GENNADY MOSCOW

23-Aug-2011 21:33:50 10141.8 BPSK31 IW6CNM 599 599 DAVIDE PESARO

23-Aug-2011 21:39:19 10141.8 BPSK31 OZ2PJ 599 599 Poul Ballerup

23-Aug-2011 21:41:54 10141.8 BPSK31 IK2GXE/2 557 599 GUIUSEPPE Colere

24-Aug-2011 14:48:19 21071.1 BPSK31 RW6AON 599 599 ALEX Krasnodarskiy

24-Aug-2011 14:55:51 21071.4 BPSK31 UA6ASU 599 599 George Timashevsk

24-Aug-2011 15:06:05 14072.1 BPSK31 IW3ELM 599 599 AUGUSTO VICENZA

24-Aug-2011 18:01:12 14072.0 BPSK31 9A/OE3GKC 557 599 Gerhard Sevid

24-Aug-2011 18:06:42 14072.0 BPSK31 ON3RMD/QRP 568 599 RAYMOND RANSART

24-Aug-2011 18:11:50 14072.0 BPSK31 SP5ZBA 568 599 Seb Plock

24-Aug-2011 18:15:46 14072.0 BPSK31 US6IHO 568 599 YURI DONETSK

24-Aug-2011 18:22:02 14072.0 BPSK31 DL2MHR 599 599 Albert Muensterhausen

24-Aug-2011 18:27:03 14072.0 BPSK31 UY8VO 557 599 Valeryan ZNAMENKA

24-Aug-2011 18:32:20 14072.0 BPSK31 RX6BH 557 599 ALEX KRYMSK

24-Aug-2011 18:35:18 14072.0 BPSK31 UN9LU 568 599 Ivan Kostanay

24-Aug-2011 18:37:35 14072.0 BPSK31 OM7OM 568 599 MILAN KALINOVO

24-Aug-2011 18:42:11 14072.0 BPSK31 M5PLY 599 599 IVOR PLYMOUTH

24-Aug-2011 18:47:11 14072.0 BPSK31 IZ5FSO 568 599 PIETRO San Gimignano

24-Aug-2011 18:52:31 14072.0 BPSK31 DL2MHR 599 599 Albert Muensterhausen

24-Aug-2011 18:58:26 14072.0 BPSK31 IN3RYE 599 599 GIUSEPPE MERANO

24-Aug-2011 18:59:58 14072.0 BPSK31 IK2WAS 599 599 EMILIO VARESE

24-Aug-2011 19:04:09 14072.0 BPSK31 RU3EJ 568 599 Alex Orel

25-Aug-2011 17:06:18 14072.3 BPSK31 RN6LLV 599 599 Alexey BELAYA KALITVA

25-Aug-2011 17:11:08 14072.3 BPSK31 UA3GX 568 599 YURI DANKOV

25-Aug-2011 17:16:20 14072.3 BPSK31 YO2CNH 568 599 REMUS

25-Aug-2011 17:35:08 14072.3 BPSK31 UA9OA 557 599 Alex Novosibirsk

25-Aug-2011 17:39:57 14072.3 BPSK31 OE2LRO 568 599 Robert Salzburg

25-Aug-2011 17:46:35 14072.3 BPSK31 IK1AIL/IN3 599 599 Giovanni TRENTO

25-Aug-2011 17:54:17 14072.3 BPSK31 US7KC 568 599 Alex Kuznetsovsk

25-Aug-2011 18:03:51 14072.3 BPSK31 UX7MX 599 599 IVAN LISICHANSK

25-Aug-2011 18:06:20 14072.3 BPSK31 UR5EUY 599 599 Petro Dnipropetrovsk

25-Aug-2011 18:11:29 14072.3 BPSK31 RA1QLC 568 599 VICTOR Cherepovets

25-Aug-2011 18:15:12 14072.3 BPSK31 RV9JR 568 599 Aleksey Raduzhny

25-Aug-2011 18:20:31 14072.3 BPSK31 R9WE 434 599 MIRGALI ISHIMBAY

25-Aug-2011 18:25:57 10141.8 BPSK31 GM4XAW 599 599 Peter Wigtown

25-Aug-2011 18:37:12 10141.8 BPSK31 MI0GOZ 557 599 VLADAS Magherafelt

25-Aug-2011 18:48:05 10141.8 BPSK31 UT5FMA 557 599 Vladimir ODESSA

25-Aug-2011 18:54:34 10141.8 BPSK31 DL3XKK 599 599 Wolfgang Meiningen

25-Aug-2011 21:17:06 10141.8 BPSK31 EA4GA 599 599 GASPAR MADRID

25-Aug-2011 21:24:36 10141.7 BPSK31 SQ2BNM 599 599 MARIUSZ Torun

25-Aug-2011 21:29:58 10141.7 BPSK31 KB1RXA 568 599 CHRIS RIDGEFIELD

25-Aug-2011 21:35:19 10141.7 BPSK31 F4GOH 568 599 Anthony TELOCHE

25-Aug-2011 21:41:27 10141.5 BPSK31 UR5EPV 599 599 Vasily Dnipropetrovsk

25-Aug-2011 21:47:29 10141.5 BPSK31 SP3UIW 568 599 JUREK NOWA SOL

25-Aug-2011 22:00:18 14072.2 BPSK31 HA5OMM 599 599 LACI BUDAPEST

25-Aug-2011 22:03:48 14072.2 BPSK31 NO8R 599 599 DELOS SAND LAKE

25-Aug-2011 22:10:21 14072.2 BPSK31 LA6XAA 599 599 Eric NEDENES

25-Aug-2011 22:16:43 14072.2 BPSK31 SA5BUM 599 599 Christian Torshal

25-Aug-2011 22:22:23 14072.2 BPSK31 UA6XCW 568 599 LEONID NALCHIK

26-Aug-2011 10:49:41 14072.2 BPSK31 TA4AUL 568 599 ULUKAN MUSTAFA ANTALYA

26-Aug-2011 10:56:37 14072.2 BPSK31 PA3HIZ 599 599 ARIE HARDINXVELD GIESSENDAM

26-Aug-2011 11:02:19 14072.2 BPSK31 DF6EH 599 599 Gerhard MALLERSDORF-PFAFFENBERG

26-Aug-2011 16:16:13 14072.2 BPSK31 ON2OVW 599 599 Oscar Schuiferskapelle

26-Aug-2011 16:20:56 14072.2 BPSK31 EA8CYR 599 599 Rayco Tenerife

26-Aug-2011 16:25:20 14072.2 BPSK31 OM1ZL 599 599 LACO BRATISLAVA

26-Aug-2011 16:33:09 14072.2 BPSK31 G8DCJ 599 599 Pete Moreton

26-Aug-2011 21:59:26 14072.2 BPSK31 LZ1NJS 434 599 Nikolay

26-Aug-2011 22:05:21 14072.2 BPSK31 DF8DF 568 599 Robert LAGEN

26-Aug-2011 22:15:17 14072.2 BPSK31 PD0WH 568 599 Willem Bennekom

26-Aug-2011 22:21:15 14072.2 BPSK31 DK8CX 599 599 Arnim Calau

26-Aug-2011 22:28:42 14072.2 BPSK31 M1CMR 599 599 Bryan Halifax

26-Aug-2011 22:35:06 14072.2 BPSK31 SP5MXW 599 599 Wojtek Wies Stara

26-Aug-2011 22:38:10 14072.2 BPSK31 2E0DCS 568 599 Dave Manchester

26-Aug-2011 22:44:44 14072.2 BPSK31 K2HU 434 599 Paul Lancaster

26-Aug-2011 22:48:36 14072.2 BPSK31 9A1CCB 599 599 Ogi Garesnica

26-Aug-2011 22:52:22 14072.2 BPSK31 PA3YH 434 599 FRED HILVERSUM

27-Aug-2011 11:00:53 14072.2 BPSK31 HA3FTT 599 599 TONI SZEKSZÁRD

27-Aug-2011 11:07:43 14072.2 BPSK31 DL6FAX 599 599 Konrad Korbach

27-Aug-2011 11:15:05 14072.2 BPSK31 RV3WT 599 599 Vlad Kursk

27-Aug-2011 11:21:03 14072.2 BPSK31 PA2RF 599 599 RON ZOETERMEER

27-Aug-2011 11:29:47 14072.2 BPSK31 M0TMK 599 599 Colin Peterborough

27-Aug-2011 11:39:44 14072.2 BPSK31 F4EFZ 599 599 JEAN MICHEL ORMOY

27-Aug-2011 11:44:38 14072.2 BPSK31 DD1UN 599 599 Uwe Hoepfingen

27-Aug-2011 11:47:11 14072.2 BPSK31 M0WNF 568 599 Neil Colchesto

27-Aug-2011 12:04:43 14072.2 BPSK31 DL7ACA 599 599 CHRISTIAN Schmitten

27-Aug-2011 12:09:10 14072.2 BPSK31 PE1HHU 599 599 MARINUS MAASBOMMEL

27-Aug-2011 16:57:45 14072.2 BPSK31 IZ7TZG 568 599 ANGELO CELLINO

27-Aug-2011 17:00:47 14072.2 BPSK31 IZ7QFP 568 599 ANGELO MATERA

27-Aug-2011 17:09:38 14072.2 BPSK31 VU2UNE 599 599 Cochin N.Parur

27-Aug-2011 17:16:29 14072.2 BPSK31 S56IPS 599 599 Samo Mostec

27-Aug-2011 17:22:30 14072.2 BPSK31 UU2JT 599 599 Nickolay Simferopol

27-Aug-2011 17:27:37 14072.2 BPSK31 UT5UQA 599 599 Alex Kiev

27-Aug-2011 17:32:27 14072.2 BPSK31 DL1ZAX 599 599 Dietmar Lohfelden

27-Aug-2011 17:42:35 14072.2 BPSK31 PA1WDP 599 599 Piet Hoorn

27-Aug-2011 17:50:00 14072.2 BPSK31 M0CET 599 599 ANDY ASGESB

27-Aug-2011 17:54:06 14072.2 BPSK31 PE1RZU 599 599 John Kaupen

27-Aug-2011 18:05:01 18102.0 BPSK31 SQ3ODZ 599 599 Zibi Malomice

27-Aug-2011 18:09:30 18101.3 BPSK31 UA6CET 599 599 Gennadiy Sochi

27-Aug-2011 18:14:13 18101.3 BPSK31 HA5OKQ 599 599 JOZSEF Urom

27-Aug-2011 18:20:15 18101.3 BPSK31 OM8CD 599 599 STEFAN POPRAD

27-Aug-2011 18:29:42 18101.3 BPSK31 EO20K 599 599 RIVNE SPECIAL CALL

27-Aug-2011 18:32:00 18101.3 BPSK31 UR5ZBZ 599 599 VITALI Pervomaisk

27-Aug-2011 18:37:06 18101.3 BPSK31 DL6UCK 599 599 Hartmut COTTBUS

27-Aug-2011 18:43:16 18101.3 BPSK31 ON3GDS 599 599 Goan Prague

27-Aug-2011 18:51:40 18101.3 BPSK31 PA0LDZ 599 599 WIM RIJEN

27-Aug-2011 18:58:12 18101.3 BPSK31 IV3TNS 599 599

27-Aug-2011 19:00:59 18101.3 BPSK31 IK6IOQ 599 599 Marco Manoppello

27-Aug-2011 20:55:49 10141.6 BPSK31 2E0ZYF 557 599 Haz Carlisle

27-Aug-2011 20:59:09 10141.6 BPSK31 YL2BK 568 599 VLADIMIR RIGA

27-Aug-2011 21:11:48 10141.8 BPSK31 OM0AST 599 599 TOMAS BARDEJOV

27-Aug-2011 21:18:01 10141.8 BPSK31 UT9LI 599 599 SERGEY KHARKOV

27-Aug-2011 21:21:35 10141.8 BPSK31 RX9ST 599 599 Gennady Novotroitsk

27-Aug-2011 21:26:51 10141.8 BPSK31 UR5MSW 599 599 Sergej Sverdlovsk

27-Aug-2011 21:34:22 10141.8 BPSK31 PA0LDZ 599 599 WIM RIJEN

27-Aug-2011 21:42:12 10141.8 BPSK31 IW5AUD 599 599 GIANCARLO Firenze

27-Aug-2011 21:52:03 10141.8 BPSK31 RA1CK 568 599 Dima Lomonosow

28-Aug-2011 11:56:34 14072.3 BPSK31 F4PCM 599 599 Thierry Cavaillon

28-Aug-2011 11:59:33 14072.3 BPSK31 IK4XQT 599 599 Stefano PIANORO

28-Aug-2011 12:08:22 14072.0 BPSK31 IZ1BLE 599 599 GIANNI TRECATE

28-Aug-2011 12:19:53 14072.0 BPSK31 IZ1MEU 568 599 Roberto Cuneo

28-Aug-2011 14:57:05 14072.3 BPSK31 UD4FD 568 599 Alex Penery

28-Aug-2011 15:00:40 14072.3 BPSK31 RA1CK 557 599 Dima Lomonosow

28-Aug-2011 15:09:23 14072.3 BPSK31 F5DRD 599 599 David Amiens

28-Aug-2011 15:14:29 14072.3 BPSK31 F4DVJ 599 599 JEREMY ARMENTIERES

28-Aug-2011 15:20:37 14072.3 BPSK31 OK1TF 568 599 JOSEF SVRATOUCH

28-Aug-2011 15:27:13 14072.3 BPSK31 IZ5MMH 599 599 Stefano Suvereto

28-Aug-2011 15:30:58 14072.3 BPSK31 ON5KJK 599 599 JACQUES MONS

28-Aug-2011 15:39:43 14072.3 BPSK31 PA1WDP 599 599 Piet Hoorn

W6QE, 28 August

My HF radio in the car is an ICOM IC-7000, & an AH-4 Auto Tuner. I used a Signalink USB interface and a Dell laptop. The weather was quite warm and I had to move the car a few times to stay in the shade. Thanks to all the guys & gals that took the time to work me.

I'll do it again next year!

Milt, W6QE
070 # 650, LONP # 76


Old Man W6QE Himself in the operating position.


This is a 102" stainless steel whip, with 30' of wire alligator clipped to the end, and strung out to a convenient bush.


This was my view to the East. I had clean line of sight to the North, East and South.


View from Elsinore Peak, looking South. This is the point where the local hang gliders jump off the cliff.

28-Aug-2011 1524 Z K8TOM TOM 070-815 599 499 20m 1
28-Aug-2011 1530 Z W4KRN KAREN 070-215 599 599 20m 2
28-Aug-2011 1535 Z KI3F DENNIS 070-1070 599 599 20m 3
28-Aug-2011 1548 Z KD7ZLF HOWARD 070-1256 599 599 20m 4
28-Aug-2011 1552 Z NO8R DELOS 070-777 599 599 20m 5
28-Aug-2011 1555 Z WQ9Z ROY 070-519 599 599 20m 6
28-Aug-2011 1559 Z N7QU GEORGE 070-379 599 599 20m 7
28-Aug-2011 1603 Z N8MNI MARK 070-525 599 479 20m 8
28-Aug-2011 1607 Z WA7HDZ LARRY 070-404 599 599 20m 9
28-Aug-2011 1611 Z AA8VG FRANK 070-1409 599 599 20m 10
28-Aug-2011 1617 Z KB1PSP BETTE 070-698 599 599 20m 11
28-Aug-2011 1620 Z WG5T BILL 070-491 599 599 20m 12
28-Aug-2011 1636 Z N3LI MIKE - 599 599 20m 13
28-Aug-2011 1644 Z KJ8O JOE 070-1224 599 599 20m 14
28-Aug-2011 1650 Z N9APD PETER - 599 599 20m 15
28-Aug-2011 1655 Z K9VIC ERIC 070-312 599 599 20m 16
28-Aug-2011 1725 Z KC0DEB JOHN 070-069 599 599 20m 17
28-Aug-2011 1730 Z AA5VF KEN - 599 599 20m 18
28-Aug-2011 1739 Z W7PM MARC - 599 599 20m 19
28-Aug-2011 1748 Z K0ABC MARK 070-897 599 599 20m 20
28-Aug-2011 1757 Z VE7AJI DWAYNE - 599 599 20m 21
28-Aug-2011 1846 Z KG6MVB TOM - 599 599 20m 22
28-Aug-2011 1851 Z K7TRK TED 070-1028 599 599 20m 23
28-Aug-2011 1906 Z N0A ROB - 599 599 20m 24
28-Aug-2011 1911 Z K5CKE DUANE - 599 599 20m 25
28-Aug-2011 1914 Z NOPNQ ALLEN - 599 599 20m 26
28-Aug-2011 1927 Z N0F BOB - 599 599 20m 27
28-Aug-2011 1937 Z K0A ROBERT - 599 599 20m 28
28-Aug-2011 1942 Z KD0FIP ROBERT 070-1396 599 599 20m 29
28-Aug-2011 1947 Z WA5MS MARTY 070-1401 599 599 20m 30
28-Aug-2011 1952 Z KH7S RUSS 070-1176 599 599 20m 31
28-Aug-2011 2030 Z KH7B KONA C. C. - 599 599 20m 32
28-Aug-2011 2039 Z JH9FNB CHIKA-SAN - 599 599 20m 33
28-Aug-2011 2052 Z W5FER JIM 070-1217 599 599 20m 34
28-Aug-2011 2105 Z VA7RMM ROB - 599 599 20m 35
28-Aug-2011 2113 Z K3JT TERRY 070-776 599 599 20m 36
28-Aug-2011 2130 Z CO8ZV YUNIEL - 599 599 20m 37